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Dr Alexander Tarr's Outputs (8)

RNA-Seq of untreated wastewater to assess COVID-19 and emerging and endemic viruses for public health surveillance (2023)
Journal Article
Stockdale, S. R., Blanchard, A. M., Nayak, A., Husain, A., Nashine, R., Dudani, H., McClure, C. P., Tarr, A. W., Nag, A., Meena, E., Sinha, V., Shrivastava, S. K., Hill, C., Singer, A. C., Gomes, R. L., Acheampong, E., Chidambaram, S. B., Bhatnagar, T., Vetrivel, U., Arora, S., …Monaghan, T. M. (2023). RNA-Seq of untreated wastewater to assess COVID-19 and emerging and endemic viruses for public health surveillance. The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia, 14, Article 100205.

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic showcased the power of genomic sequencing to tackle the emergence and spread of infectious diseases. However, metagenomic sequencing of total microbial RNAs in wastewater has the potential to assess multiple infectio... Read More about RNA-Seq of untreated wastewater to assess COVID-19 and emerging and endemic viruses for public health surveillance.

Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Briggs, L., Blake, H., Hassard, J., Cirelli, C., Daly, J., Corner, J., Bennett, M., Chappell, J., Fairclough, L., McClure, C., Tarr, A., Tighe, P., Favier, A., Irving, W., & Ball, J. (2021, March). Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study. Poster presented at MedAll International Virtual Medical Conference, Online

Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Briggs, L., Blake, H., Cirelli, C., Corner, J., Hassard, J., Daly, J., Chappell, J., Bennett, M., Fairclough, L., McClure, C., Tarr, A., Tighe, P., Favier, A., Irving, W., & Ball, J. (2021, March). Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study. Poster presented at RSM National Conference 2021, Online

Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study (2020)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Corner, J., Cirelli, C., Hassard, J., Briggs, L., Daly, J. M., Bennett, M., Chappell, J. G., Fairclough, L., McClure, C. P., Tarr, A., Tighe, P., Favier, A., Irving, W., & Ball, J. (2021). Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(1), 1-26.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. We aimed to explore student and staff perceptions and experiences of a pilot SARS-CoV-2 asymptomatic testing service (P-ATS) in a UK university campus setting. This was a mixed-method study co... Read More about Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study.

Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study (2020)
Preprint / Working Paper
Blake, H., Corner, J., Cirelli, C., Hassard, J., Briggs, L., Daly, J. M., Bennett, M., Chappell, J., Fairclough, L., McClure, C. P., Tarr, A., Tighe, P., Favier, A., Irving, W., & Ball, J. Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study

We aimed to explore student and staff perceptions and experiences of a pilot COVID-19 asymptomatic testing service (P-ATS) in a UK university campus setting. This was a mixed-method study comprised of an online survey, and thematic analysis of qualit... Read More about Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study.

Technical considerations for the generation of novel pseudotyped viruses (2016)
Journal Article
King, B., Temperton, N., Grehan, K., Scott, S. D., Wright, E., Tarr, A. W., & Daly, J. M. (2016). Technical considerations for the generation of novel pseudotyped viruses. Future Virology, 11(1),

A pseudotyped virus (PV) is a virus particle with an envelope protein originating from a different virus. The ability to dictate which envelope proteins are expressed on the surface has made pseudotyping an important tool for basic virological studie... Read More about Technical considerations for the generation of novel pseudotyped viruses.

Troubleshooting methods for the generation of novel pseudotyped viruses
Journal Article
King, B., Temperton, N., Grehan, K., Scott, S., Wright, E., Tarr, A. W., & Daly, J. M. Troubleshooting methods for the generation of novel pseudotyped viruses. Future Virology,

A pseudotyped virus (PV) is a virus particle with an envelope protein originating from a different virus. The ability to dictate which envelope proteins are expressed on the surface has made pseudotyping an important tool for basic virological studie... Read More about Troubleshooting methods for the generation of novel pseudotyped viruses.