Green Revolution Farming: Unanticipated Consequences
Book Chapter
Jewitt, S. (2015). Green Revolution Farming: Unanticipated Consequences. In K. Albala (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopaedia of Food Issues. SAGE Publications, Inc.
Professor SARAH JEWITT's Outputs (2)
Gendered priorities for ‘improved’ sanitation: insights from Kisumu Kenya (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jewitt, S., & Ryley, H. Gendered priorities for ‘improved’ sanitation: insights from Kisumu Kenya. Presented at 38th WEDC International ConferenceThis paper explores how official concepts of ‘improved’ sanitation often fail to reflect the priorities of female users. As the health benefits associated with improved sanitation cannot be fully realised until all potential user groups habitually ut... Read More about Gendered priorities for ‘improved’ sanitation: insights from Kisumu Kenya.