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Professor SVENJA ADOLPHS's Outputs (19)

Towards a speech-gesture profile of discourse markers: The case of ‘I mean’ (2024)
Journal Article
Chen, Y., Adolphs, S., & Knight, D. (2024). Towards a speech-gesture profile of discourse markers: The case of ‘I mean’. Lingua, 312, Article 103836.

Our study aims to develop a new corpus pragmatic approach for exploring the gesture patterns (i.e. functions and forms) co-occurring with the discourse marker ‘I mean’, including a comparison with previous research on another discourse marker (i.e. ‘... Read More about Towards a speech-gesture profile of discourse markers: The case of ‘I mean’.

The effects of modal value and imperative mood on self-predicted compliance to health guidance: the case of COVID-19 (2024)
Journal Article
Vilar-Lluch, S., McClaughlin, E., Adolphs, S., Knight, D., & Nichele, E. (2024). The effects of modal value and imperative mood on self-predicted compliance to health guidance: the case of COVID-19. Text and Talk - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language, Discourse and Communication Studies,

Health messaging is effective if it achieves audience adherence to guidance. Through the lens of Systemic Functional Linguistics, we examine the expression of obligation in poster-based health campaigns (4 posters) employed during the COVID-19 pandem... Read More about The effects of modal value and imperative mood on self-predicted compliance to health guidance: the case of COVID-19.

The language of vaccination campaigns during COVID-19 (2023)
Journal Article
Vilar-Lluch, S., McClaughlin, E., Knight, D., Adolphs, S., & Nichele, E. (in press). The language of vaccination campaigns during COVID-19. Medical Humanities, 49(3), 487-496.

Understanding what makes communication effective when designing public health messages is of key importance. This applies in particular to vaccination campaigns, which aim to encourage vaccine uptake and respond to vaccine hesitancy and dispel any my... Read More about The language of vaccination campaigns during COVID-19.

The reception of public health messages during the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
Journal Article
McClaughlin, E., Vilar-Lluch, S., Parnell, T., Knight, D., Nichele, E., Adolphs, S., Clos, J., & Schiazza, G. (2023). The reception of public health messages during the COVID-19 pandemic. Applied Corpus Linguistics, 3(1), Article 100037.

Understanding the reception of public health messages in public-facing communications is of key importance to health agencies in managing crises, pandemics, and other health threats. Established public health communications strategies including self-... Read More about The reception of public health messages during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Towards a corpus-based description of speech-gesture units of meaning: The case of the circular gesture (2022)
Journal Article
Chen, Y., & Adolphs, S. (2022). Towards a corpus-based description of speech-gesture units of meaning: The case of the circular gesture. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 28(2), 172-201.

The theories and methods in corpus linguistics (CL) have had an impact on numerous areas in applied linguistics. However, the interface between CL and multimodal speech-gesture studies remains underexplored. One fundamental question is whether it is... Read More about Towards a corpus-based description of speech-gesture units of meaning: The case of the circular gesture.

Crowdsourcing Formulaic Phrases: towards a new type of spoken corpus (2020)
Journal Article
Adolphs, S., Knight, D., Smith, C., & Price, D. (2020). Crowdsourcing Formulaic Phrases: towards a new type of spoken corpus. Corpora, 15(2), 141-168.

Corpora have revolutionised the way we describe and analyse language in use. The sheer scale of collections of texts, along with the appropriate software for structuring and analysing this data, has led to a fuller understanding of the characteristic... Read More about Crowdsourcing Formulaic Phrases: towards a new type of spoken corpus.

Role models in language learning: Results of a large-scale international survey (2019)
Journal Article
Muir, C., Dörnyei, Z., & Adolphs, S. (2021). Role models in language learning: Results of a large-scale international survey. Applied Linguistics, 42(1), 1-23.

Role models can exert considerable influence in shaping individuals’ values, attitudes and beliefs. A large body of work in the social sciences has investigated the influence of celebrity role models, and in the context of education several disciplin... Read More about Role models in language learning: Results of a large-scale international survey.

Digital innovations in L2 motivation: harnessing the power of the Ideal L2 Self (2018)
Journal Article
Adolphs, S., Clark, L., Dörnyei, Z., Glover, T., Henry, A., Muir, C., Sánchez-Lozano, E., & Valstar, M. (in press). Digital innovations in L2 motivation: harnessing the power of the Ideal L2 Self. System,

Sustained motivation is crucial to learning a second language (L2), and one way to support this can be through the mental visualisation of ideal L2 selves (Dörnyei & Kubanyiova, 2014). This paper reports on an exploratory study which investigated the... Read More about Digital innovations in L2 motivation: harnessing the power of the Ideal L2 Self.

All hands on deck . Negotiation over gesture forms in collaborative discourse (2018)
Journal Article
Harrison, S., Adolphs, S., Gillon Dowens, M., Du, P., & Littlemore, J. (2018). All hands on deck . Negotiation over gesture forms in collaborative discourse. Lingua, 207, 1-22.

Language Related Episodes occur when speakers explicitly question lexical and grammatical aspects of the language they are using, resulting in collaborative discourse and assisted performance from peers. This paper demonstrates how such negotiation a... Read More about All hands on deck . Negotiation over gesture forms in collaborative discourse.

A multimodal approach to assessing user experiences with agent helpers (2016)
Journal Article
Adolphs, S., Clark, L., Ofemile, A., & Rodden, T. (2016). A multimodal approach to assessing user experiences with agent helpers. ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 6(4), Article 29.

The study of agent helpers using linguistic strategies such as vague language and politeness has often come across obstacles. One of these is the quality of the agent's voice and its lack of appropriate fit for using these strategies. The first appro... Read More about A multimodal approach to assessing user experiences with agent helpers.

‘Am I anorexic?’ Weight, eating and discourses of the body in online adolescent health communication (2016)
Journal Article
Mullany, L., Smith, C., Harvey, K., & Adolphs, S. (2016). ‘Am I anorexic?’ Weight, eating and discourses of the body in online adolescent health communication. Communication and Medicine, 12(2-3), 211-223.

This article explores the communicative choices of adolescents seeking advice from an internet-based health forum run by medical professionals. Techniques from the disciplines of sociolinguistics and corpus linguistics are integrated to examine the s... Read More about ‘Am I anorexic?’ Weight, eating and discourses of the body in online adolescent health communication.

Understanding academic attitudes towards the ethical challenges posed by social media research (2015)
Journal Article
Carter, C. J., Koene, A., Perez, E., Statache, R., Adolphs, S., O'Malley, C., Rodden, T., & McAuley, D. (2016). Understanding academic attitudes towards the ethical challenges posed by social media research. Computers and Society, 45(3),

In this paper, we outline an online survey-based study seeking to understand academic attitudes towards social media research ethics (SMRE). As the exploratory phase of a wider research project, findings are discussed in relation to the responses of... Read More about Understanding academic attitudes towards the ethical challenges posed by social media research.

Ethics considerations for Corpus Linguistic studies using internet resources (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Koene, A., Adolphs, S., Perez, E., Carter, C. J., Statache, R., O'Malley, C., Rodden, T., & McAuley, D. (2015, July). Ethics considerations for Corpus Linguistic studies using internet resources. Presented at Corpus Linguistics 2015, Lancaster, UK

With the rising popularity of public and semi-public communication channels such as Blogs (late 1990s), Wikipedia (launched in 2001), Facebook (launched in 2004), Reddit (from 2005) and Twitter (from 2006), the Internet has become an increasingly fer... Read More about Ethics considerations for Corpus Linguistic studies using internet resources.

Spelling errors and keywords in born-digital data: a case study using the Teenage Health Freak Corpus (2014)
Journal Article
Smith, C., Adolphs, S., Harvey, K., & Mullany, L. (2014). Spelling errors and keywords in born-digital data: a case study using the Teenage Health Freak Corpus. Corpora, 9(2),

The abundance of language data that is now available in digital form, and the rise of distinct language varieties that are used for digital communication, means that issues of non-standard spellings and spelling errors are, in future, likely to becom... Read More about Spelling errors and keywords in born-digital data: a case study using the Teenage Health Freak Corpus.

CANELC: constructing an e-language corpus (2014)
Journal Article
Knight, D., Adolphs, S., & Carter, R. (2014). CANELC: constructing an e-language corpus. Corpora, 9(1),

This paper reports on the construction of CANELC: the Cambridge and Nottingham e-language Corpus.3 CANELC is a one million word corpus of digital communication in English, taken from online discussion boards, blogs, tweets, emails and SMS messages. T... Read More about CANELC: constructing an e-language corpus.

CANELC: constructing an e-language corpus (2014)
Journal Article
Knight, D., Adolphs, S., & Carter, R. (2014). CANELC: constructing an e-language corpus. Corpora, 9(1), 29-56.

This paper reports on the construction of the Cambridge and Nottingham e-language Corpus (CANELC).

This corpus has been built as part of a collaborative project between the University of Nottingham and Cambridge University Press with whom sole cop... Read More about CANELC: constructing an e-language corpus.

Using online news comments to gather fast feedback on issues with public health messaging: The Guardian as a case study
McClaughlin, E., Nichele, E., Adolphs, S., Barnard, P., Clos, J., Knight, D., McAuley, D., & Lang, A. (2021). Using online news comments to gather fast feedback on issues with public health messaging: The Guardian as a case study. Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), grant reference AH/V015125/1

This study uses corpus linguistics to analyse opinions on messaging and public health measures from one resource—comments posted in response to articles containing references to borders from The Guardian online. Overall, commenters made international... Read More about Using online news comments to gather fast feedback on issues with public health messaging: The Guardian as a case study.

Privacy Preserving Corpus Linguistics: Investigating the Trajectories of Public Health Messaging Online
McClaughlin, E., Nichele, E., Adolphs, S., Barnard, P., Clos, J., Knight, D., McAuley, D., Aydt, M., Tom, T., & Lang, A. (2022). Privacy Preserving Corpus Linguistics: Investigating the Trajectories of Public Health Messaging Online. University of Nottingham: AHRC/UKRI

The Coronavirus Discourses project supports public health partners Public Health Wales, Public Health England, and NHS Education for Scotland in addressing key challenges that the coronavirus pandemic presents in terms of understanding the flow and i... Read More about Privacy Preserving Corpus Linguistics: Investigating the Trajectories of Public Health Messaging Online.