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Professor TIM COLEMAN's Outputs (14)

Identifying Effective Behavior Change Techniques for Alcohol and Illicit Substance Use During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review (2018)
Journal Article
Fergie, L., Cambbell, K., Coleman-Haynes, T., Ussher, M., Cooper, S., & Coleman, T. (2019). Identifying Effective Behavior Change Techniques for Alcohol and Illicit Substance Use During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(8), 769-781.

Background: During pregnancy, consuming alcohol and using illicit drugs can have serious health implications for both mother and child. Behavioral change interventions, especially those underpinned by theoretical constructs, can be effective in reduc... Read More about Identifying Effective Behavior Change Techniques for Alcohol and Illicit Substance Use During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review.

A dynamic, modifiable model for estimating cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions in pregnancy: application to an RCT of self-help delivered by text message (2018)
Journal Article
Jones, M., Smith, M., Lewis, S., Parrott, S., & Coleman, T. (2019). A dynamic, modifiable model for estimating cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions in pregnancy: application to an RCT of self-help delivered by text message. Addiction, 114(2), 353-365.

Background/Aims: Previous evaluations of smoking cessation interventions in pregnancy have several limitations. Our solution to these limitations is the Economics of Smoking in Pregnancy (ESIP) model which estimates the lifetime cost-effectiveness of... Read More about A dynamic, modifiable model for estimating cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions in pregnancy: application to an RCT of self-help delivered by text message.

Comparison of nicotine exposure during pregnancy when smoking and abstinent with nicotine replacement therapy: systematic review and meta-analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Hickson, C., Lewis, S., Campbell, K. A., Cooper, S., Berlin, I., Claire, R., Oncken, C., Coleman-Haynes, T., & Coleman, T. (2019). Comparison of nicotine exposure during pregnancy when smoking and abstinent with nicotine replacement therapy: systematic review and meta-analysis. Addiction, 114(3), 406-424.

Background and aims: Smoking during pregnancy is strongly associated with negative pregnancy and perinatal outcomes. Some guidelines recommend nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for smoking cessation during pregnancy but adherence with NRT is general... Read More about Comparison of nicotine exposure during pregnancy when smoking and abstinent with nicotine replacement therapy: systematic review and meta-analysis.

Nicotine preloading for smoking cessation: the Preloading RCT (2018)
Journal Article
Aveyard, P., Lindson, N., Tearne, S., Adams, R., Ahmed, K., Alekna, R., Banting, M., Healy, M., Khan, S., Rai, G., Wood, C., Anderson, E. C., Ataya-Williams, A., Attwood, A., Easey, K., Fluharty, M., Freuler, T., Hurse, M., Khouja, J., Lacey, L., …Pokhrel, S. (2018). Nicotine preloading for smoking cessation: the Preloading RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 22(41), 1-84.

Background: Nicotine preloading means using nicotine replacement therapy prior to a quit date while smoking normally. The aim is to reduce the drive to smoke, thereby reducing cravings for smoking after quit day, which are the main cause of early rel... Read More about Nicotine preloading for smoking cessation: the Preloading RCT.

Views on and experiences of electronic cigarettes: a qualitative study of women who are pregnant or have recently given birth. (2018)
Journal Article
Bowker, K., Orton, S., Cooper, S., Naughton, F., Whitemore, R., Lewis, S., Bauld, L., Sinclair, L., Coleman, T., Dickinson, A., & Ussher, M. (in press). Views on and experiences of electronic cigarettes: a qualitative study of women who are pregnant or have recently given birth. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18,

Background: Electronic cigarettes (ECs) are increasingly used for reducing or stopping smoking, with some studies showing positive outcomes. However, little is known about views on ECs during pregnancy or postpartum and previous studies have nearly a... Read More about Views on and experiences of electronic cigarettes: a qualitative study of women who are pregnant or have recently given birth..

Effects on abstinence of nicotine patch treatment prior to quitting smoking: a parallel, two-arm, pragmatic randomised trial (2018)
Journal Article
Aveyard, P., Lewis, S., Coleman, T., Dickinson, A., Randall, C., Orton, S., & Perdue, J. (2018). Effects on abstinence of nicotine patch treatment prior to quitting smoking: a parallel, two-arm, pragmatic randomised trial. BMJ, 361, Article k2164.

Objectives: Standard smoking cessation pharmacotherapy is recommended in the post-quit period, but may also facilitate abstinence if used prior to quitting. The objective was to examine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of nicotine patch worn... Read More about Effects on abstinence of nicotine patch treatment prior to quitting smoking: a parallel, two-arm, pragmatic randomised trial.

Physical activity for antenatal and postnatal depression in women attempting to quit smoking: randomised controlled trial (2018)
Journal Article
Daley, A., Riaz, M., Lewis, S., Aveyard, P., Coleman, T., Manyonda, I., West, R., Lewis, B., Marcus, B., Taylor, A., Ibison, J., Kent, A., & Ussher, M. (2018). Physical activity for antenatal and postnatal depression in women attempting to quit smoking: randomised controlled trial. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 18,

Background: Antenatal depression is associated with harmful consequences for both the mother and child. One intervention that might be effective is participation in regular physical activity although data on this question in pregnant smokers is curre... Read More about Physical activity for antenatal and postnatal depression in women attempting to quit smoking: randomised controlled trial.

Uptake of Tailored Text Message Smoking Cessation Support in Pregnancy When Advertised on the Internet (MiQuit): Observational Study (2018)
Journal Article
Emery, J., Coleman, T., Sutton, S., Cooper, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., Jones, M. D., & Naughton, F. (2018). Uptake of Tailored Text Message Smoking Cessation Support in Pregnancy When Advertised on the Internet (MiQuit): Observational Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(4), Article e146.

Background: Smoking in pregnancy is a major public health concern. Pregnant smokers are particularly difficult to reach, with low uptake of support options and few effective interventions. Text message–based self-help is a promising, low-cost interve... Read More about Uptake of Tailored Text Message Smoking Cessation Support in Pregnancy When Advertised on the Internet (MiQuit): Observational Study.

Systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the safety of Buproprion and Varenicline in pregnancy (2018)
Journal Article
Turner, E., Coleman, T., Jones, M., & Vaz, L. (2018). Systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the safety of Buproprion and Varenicline in pregnancy. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 21(8), 1001–1010.

Introduction: Smoking in pregnancy is a substantial public health issue, but, apart from nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), pharmacological therapies are not generally used to promote cessation. Bupropion and varenicline are effective cessation meth... Read More about Systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the safety of Buproprion and Varenicline in pregnancy.

Improving behavioral support for smoking cessation in pregnancy: what are the barriers to stopping and which behavior change techniques can influence these?: application of theoretical domains framework (2018)
Journal Article
Campbell, K., Fergie, L., Coleman-Haynes, T., Cooper, S., Lorencatto, F., Ussher, M., Dyas, J., & Coleman, T. (2018). Improving behavioral support for smoking cessation in pregnancy: what are the barriers to stopping and which behavior change techniques can influence these?: application of theoretical domains framework. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(2), Article 359.

Behavioral support interventions are used to help pregnant smokers stop; however, of those tested, few are proven effective. Systematic research developing effective pregnancy-specific behavior change techniques (BCTs) is ongoing. This paper reports... Read More about Improving behavioral support for smoking cessation in pregnancy: what are the barriers to stopping and which behavior change techniques can influence these?: application of theoretical domains framework.

Estimating the healthcare costs of children born to pregnant smokers in England: cohort study using primary and secondary healthcare data (2018)
Journal Article
Vaz, L. R., Jones, M. J., Szatkowski, L., Tata, L. J., Petrou, S., & Coleman, T. (2018). Estimating the healthcare costs of children born to pregnant smokers in England: cohort study using primary and secondary healthcare data. Addiction, 113(7), 1305-1316.

Background and aims: Little is known about the long term economic consequences of smoking during pregnancy. We estimated the association between smoking in pregnancy and the costs of delivering healthcare to infants and children in England, and inves... Read More about Estimating the healthcare costs of children born to pregnant smokers in England: cohort study using primary and secondary healthcare data.

Stillbirth among women prescribed nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy: analysis of a large UK pregnancy cohort (2018)
Journal Article
Dhalwani, N. N., Szatkowski, L., Coleman, T., Fiaschi, L., & Tata, L. J. (2019). Stillbirth among women prescribed nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy: analysis of a large UK pregnancy cohort. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 21(4), 409–415.

Objective: To compare risk of stillbirth between maternal smokers and those prescribed NRT during pregnancy.

Design: Cross-sectional analysis nested in a pregnancy cohort with longitudinal routinely-recorded medical data.

Setting: United Kingdo... Read More about Stillbirth among women prescribed nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy: analysis of a large UK pregnancy cohort.