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Professor TIM COLEMAN's Outputs (5)

Factors Associated With Smoking Cessation in Early and Late Pregnancy in the Smoking, Nicotine, and Pregnancy Trial: A Trial of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (2013)
Journal Article
Vaz, L. R., Leonardi-Bee, J., Aveyard, P., Cooper, S., Grainge, M., & Coleman, T. (2014). Factors Associated With Smoking Cessation in Early and Late Pregnancy in the Smoking, Nicotine, and Pregnancy Trial: A Trial of Nicotine Replacement Therapy. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 16(4), 381-389.

Introduction: Previous studies have found partners’ smoking status, multiparity, and nicotine dependence to be associated with smoking cessation in pregnancy. However, no studies have investigated influences on cessation among women using nicotine re... Read More about Factors Associated With Smoking Cessation in Early and Late Pregnancy in the Smoking, Nicotine, and Pregnancy Trial: A Trial of Nicotine Replacement Therapy.

Completeness of maternal smoking status recording during pregnancy in United Kingdom primary care data (2013)
Journal Article
Dhalwani, N. N., Tata, L. J., Coleman, T., Fleming, K. M., & Szatkowski, L. (2013). Completeness of maternal smoking status recording during pregnancy in United Kingdom primary care data. PLoS ONE, 8(9), Article e72218.

Background: Given the health impacts of smoking during pregnancy and the opportunity for primary healthcare teams to encourage pregnant smokers to quit, we assessed the completeness of gestational smoking status recording in primary care data and inv... Read More about Completeness of maternal smoking status recording during pregnancy in United Kingdom primary care data.

Feasibility of offering nicotine replacement therapy as a relapse prevention treatment in routine smoking cessation services (2013)
Journal Article
Turner, J., McNeill, A., Coleman, T., Bee, J. L., & Agboola, S. (2013). Feasibility of offering nicotine replacement therapy as a relapse prevention treatment in routine smoking cessation services. BMC Health Services Research, 13(38), Article 38.

Background: National Health Service stop smoking services (NHS SSS) in the UK offer cost- effective smoking
cessation services. Despite high abstinence rates after acute cessation treatment, the majority of clients have
relapsed by one year. Severa... Read More about Feasibility of offering nicotine replacement therapy as a relapse prevention treatment in routine smoking cessation services.

The role of nicotine replacement therapy for temporary abstinence in the home to protect children from environmental tobacco smoke exposure: a qualitative study with disadvantaged smokers (2013)
Journal Article
Atkinson, O., Coleman, T., McNeill, A., Lewis, S., & Jones, L. L. (2013). The role of nicotine replacement therapy for temporary abstinence in the home to protect children from environmental tobacco smoke exposure: a qualitative study with disadvantaged smokers. BMC Public Health, 13, Article 262.

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) has recently been licensed to help smokers to abstain from smoking for short time periods and recent studies have shown that 8-14% of smokers are regularly using NRT to cope when they cannot or are not a... Read More about The role of nicotine replacement therapy for temporary abstinence in the home to protect children from environmental tobacco smoke exposure: a qualitative study with disadvantaged smokers.