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Professor TIM COLEMAN's Outputs (2)

The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial (2016)
Journal Article
Vaz, L. R., Aveyard, P., Cooper, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., & Coleman, T. (2016). The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 18(10),


In non-pregnant ‘quitters’, adherence to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) increases smoking cessation. We investigated relationships between adherence to placebo or NRT patches and cessation in pregnancy, including an assessment of... Read More about The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial.

Feasibility of offering nicotine replacement therapy as a relapse prevention treatment in routine smoking cessation services (2013)
Journal Article
Turner, J., McNeill, A., Coleman, T., Bee, J. L., & Agboola, S. (2013). Feasibility of offering nicotine replacement therapy as a relapse prevention treatment in routine smoking cessation services. BMC Health Services Research, 13(38), Article 38.

Background: National Health Service stop smoking services (NHS SSS) in the UK offer cost- effective smoking
cessation services. Despite high abstinence rates after acute cessation treatment, the majority of clients have
relapsed by one year. Severa... Read More about Feasibility of offering nicotine replacement therapy as a relapse prevention treatment in routine smoking cessation services.