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Dr STEVE GREEDY's Outputs (4)

Machine Learning for Ultra High Throughput Screening of Organic Solar Cells: Solving the Needle in the Haystack Problem (2023)
Journal Article
Hußner, M., Pacalaj, R. A., Olaf Müller‐Dieckert, G., Liu, C., Zhou, Z., Majeed, N., Greedy, S., Ramirez, I., Li, N., Hosseini, S. M., Uhrich, C., Brabec, C. J., Durrant, J. R., Deibel, C., & MacKenzie, R. C. I. (2024). Machine Learning for Ultra High Throughput Screening of Organic Solar Cells: Solving the Needle in the Haystack Problem. Advanced Energy Materials, 14(3), Article 2303000.

Over the last two decades the organic solar cell community has synthesized tens of thousands of novel polymers and small molecules in the search for an optimum light harvesting material. These materials are often crudely evaluated simply by measuring... Read More about Machine Learning for Ultra High Throughput Screening of Organic Solar Cells: Solving the Needle in the Haystack Problem.

On Spread Spectrum for DC Grids: Low-Frequency Conducted EMI Mitigation and Signal Integrity Disruption in Serial Communication Links (2023)
Journal Article
Pena-Quintal, A., Sayed, W. E., Sumner, M., Ercan, S. U., Greedy, S., Thomas, D., & Smolenski, R. (2023). On Spread Spectrum for DC Grids: Low-Frequency Conducted EMI Mitigation and Signal Integrity Disruption in Serial Communication Links. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 65(4), 1027-1036.

This article addresses the effects on nearby communication systems when spread spectrum modulation techniques are used for a dc-dc power converter. These interactions can be found in modern smart grids and automotive power networks in which the combi... Read More about On Spread Spectrum for DC Grids: Low-Frequency Conducted EMI Mitigation and Signal Integrity Disruption in Serial Communication Links.

State of the Art of Near-Field Scanning: Contemporary Standards and Methods (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Voskresenskyi, S., Aitbar, I., Ballukja, E., Niewiadomski, K., Thomas, D. W., & Greedy, S. (2023, January). State of the Art of Near-Field Scanning: Contemporary Standards and Methods. Presented at 2023 IEEE 7th Global Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference (GEMCCON), Nusa Dua, Indonesia

This paper presents a review of a number of techniques used for near-field scanning and detection of electromagnetic radiation sources. It also gives an overview of standards, related to technical requirements for the devices as well as scanning meth... Read More about State of the Art of Near-Field Scanning: Contemporary Standards and Methods.

Comparison of Great Britain and Ukraine railway systems based on their EMC capability and electrification systems (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Adhena, H. H., Serdiuk, T., Thomas, D., & Greedy, S. (2023, January). Comparison of Great Britain and Ukraine railway systems based on their EMC capability and electrification systems. Presented at 2023 IEEE 7th Global Electromagnetic Compatibility Conference (GEMCCON), Nusa Dua, Indonesia

In this paper, a comparison based on electromagnetic compatibility capability, electromagnetic interference susceptibility, signalling, and electrification systems of Great Britain and Ukraine's railway systems will be analyzed.