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Professor STEPHEN TIMMONS's Outputs (21)

Optimising digital clinical consultations in maternity care: a realist review and implementation principles (2024)
Journal Article
Evans, C., Clancy, G., Evans, K., Booth, A., Nazmeen, B., Timmons, S., Sunney, C., Clowes, M., Jones, N., & Spiby, H. (2024). Optimising digital clinical consultations in maternity care: a realist review and implementation principles. BMJ Open, 14(10), Article e079153.

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to increased use of digital clinical consultations (phone or video calls) within UK maternity services. This project aimed to review the evidence on digital clinical consultations in maternity systems to illu... Read More about Optimising digital clinical consultations in maternity care: a realist review and implementation principles.

What validated instruments, that measure implementation outcomes, are suitable for use in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) setting? A systematic review of systematic reviews (2024)
Journal Article
Dodds, E., Redsell, S., Timmons, S., & Manning, J. C. (2024). What validated instruments, that measure implementation outcomes, are suitable for use in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) setting? A systematic review of systematic reviews. Implementation Science, 19, Article 70

The measurement of implementation outcomes can establish the success of implementing evidence into practice. However, implementation outcomes are seldom measured in acute healthcare settings, such as Paediatric Intensive Care Units (... Read More about What validated instruments, that measure implementation outcomes, are suitable for use in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) setting? A systematic review of systematic reviews.

Factors influencing the commissioning and implementation of health and social care interventions for people with dementia: commissioner and stakeholder perspectives (2024)
Journal Article
Tucker, R., Vickers, R., Adams, E. J., Burgon, C., Lock, J., Goldberg, S. E., Gladman, J., Masud, T., Orton, E., Timmons, S., & Harwood, R. H. (2024). Factors influencing the commissioning and implementation of health and social care interventions for people with dementia: commissioner and stakeholder perspectives. Archives of Public Health, 82(1), Article 54.

Despite several interventions demonstrating benefit to people living with dementia and their caregivers, few have been translated and implemented in routine clinical practice. There is limited evidence of the barriers and facilitators for... Read More about Factors influencing the commissioning and implementation of health and social care interventions for people with dementia: commissioner and stakeholder perspectives.

Developing initial programme theories for a realist synthesis on digital clinical consultations in maternity care: contributions from stakeholder involvement (2024)
Journal Article
Evans, C., Clancy, G., Evans, K., Booth, A., Nazmeen, B., Timmons, S., Sunney, C., Clowes, M., Wyn Jones, N., & Spiby, H. (2024). Developing initial programme theories for a realist synthesis on digital clinical consultations in maternity care: contributions from stakeholder involvement. Journal of Research in Nursing, 29(2), 127-140.

Background: The COVID pandemic prompted an increase in the use of digital clinical consultations (telephone or video calls) within midwifery and nursing care. This paper reports on a realist review project related to maternity care that seeks to illu... Read More about Developing initial programme theories for a realist synthesis on digital clinical consultations in maternity care: contributions from stakeholder involvement.

Implementation of the PrAISED (Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia) intervention in practice: a mixed methods study (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
Adams, E. J., Burgon, C., Lock, J., Smith, H., Vickers, R., Tucker, R., Timmons, S., Orton, E., Goldberg, S. E., Gladman, J., Masud, T., & Harwood, R. H. (in press). Implementation of the PrAISED (Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia) intervention in practice: a mixed methods study

There is a paucity of evidence relating to the implementation of dementia care. The Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia (PrAISED) intervention is a newly developed 12-month, home-based, individually tailored rehabilitatio... Read More about Implementation of the PrAISED (Promoting Activity, Independence and Stability in Early Dementia) intervention in practice: a mixed methods study.

Exploring the role of advanced clinical practitioners (ACPs) and their contribution to health services in England: A qualitative exploratory study (2023)
Journal Article
Mann, C., Timmons, S., Evans, C., Pearce, R., Overton, C., Hinsliff-Smith, K., & Conway, J. (2023). Exploring the role of advanced clinical practitioners (ACPs) and their contribution to health services in England: A qualitative exploratory study. Nurse Education in Practice, 67, Article 103546.

BACKGROUND: An extended role being explored globally is the advanced clinical practitioner (ACP). In England this is an extended role for allied health professions, nurses and midwives in a range of settings. OBJECTIVES: This paper focuses on three r... Read More about Exploring the role of advanced clinical practitioners (ACPs) and their contribution to health services in England: A qualitative exploratory study.

The Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) in UK healthcare: Dichotomies in a new ‘multi-professional’ profession (2023)
Journal Article
Timmons, S., Mann, C., Evans, C., Pearce, R., Overton, C., & Hinsliff-Smith, K. (2023). The Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) in UK healthcare: Dichotomies in a new ‘multi-professional’ profession. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 3, Article 100211.

Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPs) work in a wide range of settings across the English National Health Service. ACPs come from a wide range of health professional backgrounds. This paper explores the ACP as a multi-professional role, and the impl... Read More about The Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) in UK healthcare: Dichotomies in a new ‘multi-professional’ profession.

Discourses of compassion from the margins of health care: the perspectives and experiences of people with a mental health condition (2022)
Journal Article
Bond, C., Hui, A., Timmons, S., Wildbore, E., & Sinclair, S. (2024). Discourses of compassion from the margins of health care: the perspectives and experiences of people with a mental health condition. Journal of Mental Health, 33(1), 31-39.

Background: Evidence supports the positive influence of compassion on care experiences and health outcomes. However, there is limited understanding regarding how compassion is identified by people with lived experience of mental health care. Aim: To... Read More about Discourses of compassion from the margins of health care: the perspectives and experiences of people with a mental health condition.

Realist inquiry into Maternity care @ a Distance (ARM@DA): realist review protocol (2022)
Journal Article
Evans, C., Evans, K., Booth, A., Timmons, S., Jones, N., Nazmeen, B., Sunney, C., Clowes, M., Clancy, G., & Spiby, H. (2022). Realist inquiry into Maternity care @ a Distance (ARM@DA): realist review protocol. BMJ Open, 12(9), Article e062106.

INTRODUCTION: One of the most commonly reported COVID-19-related changes to all maternity services has been an increase in the use of digital clinical consultations such as telephone or video calling; however, the ways in which they can be optimally... Read More about Realist inquiry into Maternity care @ a Distance (ARM@DA): realist review protocol.

Mental health nurses' constructions of compassion: A discourse analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Bond, C., Hui, A., Timmons, S., & Charles, A. (2022). Mental health nurses' constructions of compassion: A discourse analysis. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 31(5), 1186-1197.

Compassion is an important element of contemporary nursing work. Compassion has been recognized as necessary for improving health outcomes. However, very little is known about how compassion is understood in the mental health practice setting. We con... Read More about Mental health nurses' constructions of compassion: A discourse analysis.

Action request episodes in trauma team interactions in Japan and the UK - A multimodal analysis of joint actions in medical simulation (2022)
Journal Article
Tsuchiya, K., Coffey, F., Nakamura, K., Mackenzie, A., Atkins, S., Chałupnik, M., Whitfield, A., Sakai, T., Timmons, S., Abe, T., Saitoh, T., Taneichi, A., Vernon, M., Crundall, D., & Fuyuno, M. (2022). Action request episodes in trauma team interactions in Japan and the UK - A multimodal analysis of joint actions in medical simulation. Journal of Pragmatics, 194, 101-118.

Grounding is a fundamental human practice for cooperation and collaboration in a joint activity, when more than two people interact. Emergency care is one such interactive situation, and whether a trauma team can efficiently establish and increment t... Read More about Action request episodes in trauma team interactions in Japan and the UK - A multimodal analysis of joint actions in medical simulation.

Overcoming COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among ethnic minorities: A systematic review of UK studies (2022)
Journal Article
Hussain, B., Latif, A., Timmons, S., Nkhoma, K., & Nellums, L. B. (2022). Overcoming COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among ethnic minorities: A systematic review of UK studies. Vaccine, 40(25), 3413-3432.

Ethnic minority communities in the UK have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic, with increased risks of infection, severe disease, and death. Hesitancy around the COVID-19 vaccine may be contributing to disparities in vaccine delivery to... Read More about Overcoming COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among ethnic minorities: A systematic review of UK studies.

Ethnic mental health inequalities and mental health policies in England 1999-2020 (2022)
Journal Article
Hussain, B., Hui, A., Timmons, S., & Nkhoma, K. (2022). Ethnic mental health inequalities and mental health policies in England 1999-2020. Journal of Public Mental Health, 21(2), 162-173.

Background: Despite many policy initiatives in the last two decades, ethnic mental health inequalities have persisted in England.

Aim & method: This paper presents a thematic synthesis of mental health policies published in England from 1999 to 2... Read More about Ethnic mental health inequalities and mental health policies in England 1999-2020.

Nationwide evaluation of the advanced clinical practitioner role in England: a cross-sectional survey (2022)
Journal Article
Fothergill, L., Al-Oraibi, A., Houdmont, J., Conway, J., Evans, C., Timmons, S., Pearce, R., & Blake, H. (2022). Nationwide evaluation of the advanced clinical practitioner role in England: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open, 12(1), Article e055475.

Background and study objective:
In response to growing pressures on healthcare systems, the advanced clinical practice (ACP) role has been implemented widely in the UK and internationally. In England, ACP is a level of practice applicable across var... Read More about Nationwide evaluation of the advanced clinical practitioner role in England: a cross-sectional survey.

Framing trauma leaders’ request in emergency care interactions A multimodal analysis using eye-tracking glasses (2021)
Journal Article
Tsuchiya, K., Coffey, F., Mackenzie, A., Atkins, S., Chalupnik, M., Timmons, S., Whitfield, A., Vernon, M., & Crundall, D. (2021). Framing trauma leaders’ request in emergency care interactions A multimodal analysis using eye-tracking glasses. Communication and Medicine, 17(1), 47-63.

A team leader’s request is a crucial factor for successful team interaction to ensure patient safety in emergency care. This study examines how team leaders accomplish and frame immediate requests through language use and corresponding eye-movement p... Read More about Framing trauma leaders’ request in emergency care interactions A multimodal analysis using eye-tracking glasses.

“I don’t have any emotions”: An ethnography of emotional labour and feeling rules in the emergency department (2021)
Journal Article
Kirk, K., Cohen, L., Edgley, A., & Timmons, S. (2021). “I don’t have any emotions”: An ethnography of emotional labour and feeling rules in the emergency department. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(4), 1956-1967.

Aims: This study aims to apply Hochschild's theory of emotional labour to emergency care, and uncover the 'specialty-specific' feeling rules driving this labour. Despite the importance of positive nurse wellbeing, the emotional labour of nursing (a g... Read More about “I don’t have any emotions”: An ethnography of emotional labour and feeling rules in the emergency department.

The Effects of Compassion-based Feedback on Wellbeing Ratings During a Professional Assessment Healthcare Task (2021)
Journal Article
Bond, C. A. E., Tsikandilakis, M., Stacey, G., Hui, A., & Timmons, S. (2021). The Effects of Compassion-based Feedback on Wellbeing Ratings During a Professional Assessment Healthcare Task. Nurse Education Today, 99, Article 104788.

There is a need for higher education policy to consider how student nurses might be supported, to help them to develop the resilience and mental wellbeing needed to cope with stressful environments. Reviews and qualitative research in thi... Read More about The Effects of Compassion-based Feedback on Wellbeing Ratings During a Professional Assessment Healthcare Task.

Using a comprehensive audit to identify local context prior to care bundle design and implementation for inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in colorectal surgery (2021)
Journal Article
Tanner, J., Timmons, S., Bayston, R., Adams, K., & Baxendale, B. (2021). Using a comprehensive audit to identify local context prior to care bundle design and implementation for inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in colorectal surgery. BMJ Open Quality, 10(1), Article e001132.

© Background The first step in bundle design or implementation is to identify the problem being addressed. Several validated approaches are recommended to facilitate this. These include using systematic reviews, adverse event triggers and risk asses... Read More about Using a comprehensive audit to identify local context prior to care bundle design and implementation for inadvertent perioperative hypothermia in colorectal surgery.

Austerity on the frontline- a preliminary study of physiotherapists working in the National Health Service in the UK (2020)
Journal Article
Tucker, R., Moffatt, F., & Timmons, S. (2022). Austerity on the frontline- a preliminary study of physiotherapists working in the National Health Service in the UK. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 38(8), 1037-1049.

Organisational reform has been commonplace in the response to global socio-economic changes. Rising managerialism, consumerism and marketisation has accelerated reforms; providing challenges for the healthcare professions. The latest soci... Read More about Austerity on the frontline- a preliminary study of physiotherapists working in the National Health Service in the UK.

Constructing notions of healthcare productivity: The call for a new professionalism? (2014)
Journal Article
Moffatt, F., Martin, P., & Timmons, S. (2014). Constructing notions of healthcare productivity: The call for a new professionalism?. Sociology of Health and Illness, 36(5), 686-702.

Improving performance is an imperative for most healthcare systems in industrialised countries. This article considers one such system, the UK's National Health Service (NHS). Recent NHS reforms and strategies have advocated improved healthcare produ... Read More about Constructing notions of healthcare productivity: The call for a new professionalism?.