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Substantial cost savings of ultrasound-based management over magnetic resonance imaging-based management in an inflammatory bowel disease service (2024)
Journal Article
Radford, S. J., Abdul-Aema, B., Tench, C., Leighton, P., Coad, J., & Moran, G. W. (2024). Substantial cost savings of ultrasound-based management over magnetic resonance imaging-based management in an inflammatory bowel disease service. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 59(6), 683-689.

Background: Imaging is used to monitor disease activity in small bowel Crohn’s disease (CD). Magnetic Resonance Enterography is often employed as a first modality in the United Kingdom for assessment and monitoring; however, waiting times, cost, pati... Read More about Substantial cost savings of ultrasound-based management over magnetic resonance imaging-based management in an inflammatory bowel disease service.