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Epilepsy and associated mortality in patients with multiple sclerosis (2018)
Journal Article
Chou, I. J., Kuo, C. F., Tanasescu, R., Tench, C. R., Tiley, C. G., Constantinescu, C. S., & Whitehouse, W. P. (2018). Epilepsy and associated mortality in patients with multiple sclerosis. European Journal of Neurology, 26(2), 342-e23.

Background and purpose: We aimed to determine the prevalence of epilepsy in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) at diagnosis, the risk of developing epilepsy after the diagnosis of MS and the relative risk of mortality associated with epilepsy.
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Seven-Tesla magnetization transfer imaging to detect multiple sclerosis white matter lesions (2017)
Journal Article
Chou, I.-J., Lim, S.-Y., Tanasescu, R., Al-Radaideh, A., Mougin, O. E., Tench, C. R., Whitehouse, W. P., Gowland, P. A., & Constantinescu, C. S. (in press). Seven-Tesla magnetization transfer imaging to detect multiple sclerosis white matter lesions. Journal of Neuroimaging,

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) imaging at 3 Tesla (T) field strength is the most sensitive modality for detecting white matter lesions in multiple sclerosis. While 7T FLAIR is effective in detecting cortical lesio... Read More about Seven-Tesla magnetization transfer imaging to detect multiple sclerosis white matter lesions.