A hybrid control method to suppress the three time fundamental frequency neutral-point voltage fluctuation in a VIENNA rectifier
Journal Article
Song, W.-Z., Xing, F.-X., Yang, H., Empringham, L., De Lillo, L., Wheeler, P., Li, J., & Zhong, Y.-R. (2015). A hybrid control method to suppress the three time fundamental frequency neutral-point voltage fluctuation in a VIENNA rectifier. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 4(2), https://doi.org/10.1109/JESTPE.2015.2503125
This paper presents a solution to the control of the three times fundamental frequency fluctuation of the neutral-point in a VIENNA rectifier. A hybrid method combining a dynamic adjustment factor with a voltage deviation control of the split DC-link... Read More about A hybrid control method to suppress the three time fundamental frequency neutral-point voltage fluctuation in a VIENNA rectifier.