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Professor KOSTAS TSINTZAS's Outputs (3)

Obese subcutaneous adipose tissue impairs human myogenesis, particularly in old skeletal muscle, via resistin-mediated activation of NFκB (2018)
Journal Article
O’Leary, M. F., Wallace, G. R., Davis, E. T., Murphy, D. P., Nicholson, T., Bennett, A. J., Tsintzas, K., & Jones, S. W. (2018). Obese subcutaneous adipose tissue impairs human myogenesis, particularly in old skeletal muscle, via resistin-mediated activation of NFκB. Scientific Reports, 8(1), Article 15360.

Adiposity and adipokines are implicated in the loss of skeletal muscle mass with age and in several chronic disease states. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of human obese and lean subcutaneous adipose tissue secretome on myogenesis... Read More about Obese subcutaneous adipose tissue impairs human myogenesis, particularly in old skeletal muscle, via resistin-mediated activation of NFκB.

Transcriptomic analyses reveal rhythmic and CLOCK-driven pathways in human skeletal muscle (2018)
Journal Article
Perrin, L., Loizides-Mangold, U., Chanon, S., Gobet, C., Hulo, N., Isenegger, L., Weger, B. D. .., Migliavacca, E., Charpagne, A., Betts, J. A., Walhin, J.-P., Templeman, I., Stokes, K., Thompson, D., Tsintzas, K., Robert, M., Howald, C., Riezman, H., Feige, J. N., Karagounis, L. G., …Dibner, C. (2018). Transcriptomic analyses reveal rhythmic and CLOCK-driven pathways in human skeletal muscle. eLife, 7, Article e34114.

Circadian regulation of transcriptional processes has a broad impact on cell metabolism. Here, we compared the diurnal transcriptome of human skeletal muscle conducted on serial muscle biopsies in vivo with profiles of human skeletal myotubes synchro... Read More about Transcriptomic analyses reveal rhythmic and CLOCK-driven pathways in human skeletal muscle.

Metabolic and molecular changes associated with the increased skeletal muscle insulin action 24–48 h after exercise in young and old humans (2018)
Journal Article
Stephens, F. B., & Tsintzas, K. (2018). Metabolic and molecular changes associated with the increased skeletal muscle insulin action 24–48 h after exercise in young and old humans. Biochemical Society Transactions, 46(1),

The molecular and metabolic mechanisms underlying the increase in insulin sensitivity (i.e. increased insulin-stimulated skeletal muscle glucose uptake, phosphorylation and storage as glycogen) observed from 12 to 48 h following a single bout of exer... Read More about Metabolic and molecular changes associated with the increased skeletal muscle insulin action 24–48 h after exercise in young and old humans.