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Dr SIDDIG OMER's Outputs (17)

Combination of Wall Insulation and PCMs in External Walls of Typical Residential Buildings in the UK and Their Impact on Building Energy Consumption (2025)
Journal Article
Zhang, Y., OMER, S., & Hu, R. (2025). Combination of Wall Insulation and PCMs in External Walls of Typical Residential Buildings in the UK and Their Impact on Building Energy Consumption. Buildings, 15(6), 1-27.

With growing concerns over global warming and the significant contribution of buildings to energy consumption, reducing energy demand in buildings has become crucial. This study addresses this issue by investigating the integration of phase-change... Read More about Combination of Wall Insulation and PCMs in External Walls of Typical Residential Buildings in the UK and Their Impact on Building Energy Consumption.

Theoretical investigation of an enhanced multiphase change energy storage material for buildings (2024)
Journal Article
Sinaga, R., Darkwa, J., Omer, S., & Worall, M. (2025). Theoretical investigation of an enhanced multiphase change energy storage material for buildings. Journal of Energy Storage, 106, Article 114834.

Recent developments have highlighted the potential of multiphase change materials (MCM) as flexible energy storage materials for application in buildings. The MCM was obtained by combining the microencapsulated heptadecane (MEHept) and microencapsula... Read More about Theoretical investigation of an enhanced multiphase change energy storage material for buildings.

Unlocking the Residential Retrofitting Potential in a Three-Degree World: A Holistic Approach to Passive Design in Hot Climates (2021)
Journal Article
Aldabesh, A., Soufi, J., Omer, S., & Haredy, A. (2021). Unlocking the Residential Retrofitting Potential in a Three-Degree World: A Holistic Approach to Passive Design in Hot Climates. Buildings, 11(6), Article 228.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), as one of the largest polluters worldwide, has released its Vision 2030 that seeks sustainable development via economic diversification to transition towards lower CO2 energy systems. Due to fast population and econ... Read More about Unlocking the Residential Retrofitting Potential in a Three-Degree World: A Holistic Approach to Passive Design in Hot Climates.

Review of Heat and Mass Transfer Enhancement Techniques and Current Advancement for Adsorption Heating/Cooling Systems (2019)
Journal Article
Omer, S., Wajid, N. M., Mompuouo, B., & Riffat, S. B. (2019). Review of Heat and Mass Transfer Enhancement Techniques and Current Advancement for Adsorption Heating/Cooling Systems. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 14(4), 461–467.

Adsorption heating/cooling became an alternative to vapour compression system due to low ozone depletion potential (ODP) and global warming potential (GWP). However, more investigation is required due their low efficiency when compared to conventiona... Read More about Review of Heat and Mass Transfer Enhancement Techniques and Current Advancement for Adsorption Heating/Cooling Systems.

A comprehensive investigation of using mutual air and water heating in multi-functional DX-SAMHP for moderate cold climate (2018)
Journal Article
Mohamed, E., Riffat, S., Omer, S., & Zeinelabdien, R. (2019). A comprehensive investigation of using mutual air and water heating in multi-functional DX-SAMHP for moderate cold climate. Renewable Energy, 130, 582-600.

Solar energy assisted heat pump systems (SAHP) have been used in this application. SAHP system with solar collectors and the heat pump are combined into one unit so as to convey the solar energy to the refrigerant. The solar collector is used as the... Read More about A comprehensive investigation of using mutual air and water heating in multi-functional DX-SAMHP for moderate cold climate.

Economic evaluation of installation of standalone wind farm and Wind+CAES system for the new regulating tariffs for renewables in Egypt (2018)
Journal Article
Ramadan, O., Omer, S., Ding, Y., Jarimi, H., Chen, X., & Riffat, S. (2018). Economic evaluation of installation of standalone wind farm and Wind+CAES system for the new regulating tariffs for renewables in Egypt. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 7, 311-325.

Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) is widely recognized as a viable solution for large-scale grid integrated renewable energy systems in terms of load levelling to solve/minimize the intermittency effect of renewable energy systems especially with... Read More about Economic evaluation of installation of standalone wind farm and Wind+CAES system for the new regulating tariffs for renewables in Egypt.

Towards a coherent implementation of safe building laws and regulations in Cameroon: law, gowernance and institutional imperatives (2017)
Journal Article
Tene, C. B., Omer, S., & Mempouo, B. (2017). Towards a coherent implementation of safe building laws and regulations in Cameroon: law, gowernance and institutional imperatives. Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy, 8(2), 87-109.

Over the last decade a sustained pattern of building collapse and fire outbreaks has been observed in various West African countries such as Cameroon, Nigeria and Ghana. This has become a serious concern amongst building practitioners and to the publ... Read More about Towards a coherent implementation of safe building laws and regulations in Cameroon: law, gowernance and institutional imperatives.

Critical review of latent heat storage systems for free cooling in buildings (2017)
Journal Article
Zeinelabdein, R., Omer, S., & Gan, G. (2018). Critical review of latent heat storage systems for free cooling in buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82(3),

Buildings have a major contribution to the global energy consumption. Heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems (HVAC) are responsible for most of the energy use in buildings. Thus, clean and sustainable alternatives such as free cooling of b... Read More about Critical review of latent heat storage systems for free cooling in buildings.

Sustainable techniques for thermal comfort in buildings designed used by worshipers (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alabdullatief, A., & Omer, S. Sustainable techniques for thermal comfort in buildings designed used by worshipers. Presented at 16th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET2017)

Thermal comfort in building is a trendy that has been under investigation by many researchers. The mosque, for Muslim worshippers, is one of the most popular religious buildings. The demand of new mosques is continuously increasing due to the increas... Read More about Sustainable techniques for thermal comfort in buildings designed used by worshipers.

Feasibility of double-skin façades for multi-storeys office buildings in Amman/Jordan: an insight into thermal performance for both summer and winter peak conditions (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Amaireh, I., Gan, G., Omer, S., & Zeinelabdein, R. Feasibility of double-skin façades for multi-storeys office buildings in Amman/Jordan: an insight into thermal performance for both summer and winter peak conditions. Presented at 16th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET2017)

Amman, the capital city of Jordan, usually experiences a hot dry summer with high solar radiations and a cold-wet winter. While the entire state of Jordan faces serious shortages in energy sources, significant growth in both industrial investment and... Read More about Feasibility of double-skin façades for multi-storeys office buildings in Amman/Jordan: an insight into thermal performance for both summer and winter peak conditions.

Reducing greenhouse energy consumption using novelty rooftop: a simulation (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harjunowibowo, D., Yate, D., Omer, S. A., & Riffat, S. B. Reducing greenhouse energy consumption using novelty rooftop: a simulation. Presented at 16th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies – SET 2017

Recently, more than 80% of total energy of commercial greenhouse in the northern hemisphere is used just for heating. Mostly, the energy loss happens up to 40% caused by the poor U-value of the façades. Therefore, by lowering the U-value would decrea... Read More about Reducing greenhouse energy consumption using novelty rooftop: a simulation.

Free cooling based phase change material for domestic buildings in hot arid climate (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zeinelabdein, R., Omer, S., Mohamed, E., Amaireh, I., & Gan, G. Free cooling based phase change material for domestic buildings in hot arid climate. Presented at 16th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET 2017)

Free cooling based phase change materials (FCPCM) are promising sustainable technologies which could be used to store the cold energy available during summer nights in a sufficient latent heat storage for later utilisation during the daytime. This cu... Read More about Free cooling based phase change material for domestic buildings in hot arid climate.

Green roof and louvers shading for sustainable mosque buildings in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alabdullatief, A., Omer, S., Elabdein, R. Z., & Alfraidi, S. Green roof and louvers shading for sustainable mosque buildings in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Presented at 1st International Conference on Mosque Architecture

The number of mosque buildings is continuously increasing with the Muslim population, which is in fast growth around the world. In particular, the demand of new mosque buildings is high in the urban areas, due to increasing urban population growth in... Read More about Green roof and louvers shading for sustainable mosque buildings in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Recent passive technologies of greenhouse systems: a review (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Harjunowibowo, D., Cuce, E., Omer, S. A., & Riffat, S. B. Recent passive technologies of greenhouse systems: a review. Presented at 15th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies

There are 130 countries produces greenhouse vegetables commercially with more than 1.1 million acres in 2016. Most of the greenhouses deal with high operating costs due to the great energy needs. The high heat loss because of the greenhouse envelope... Read More about Recent passive technologies of greenhouse systems: a review.

The indispensability of good operation & maintenance (O&M) manuals in the operation and maintenance of low carbon buildings (2014)
Journal Article
Owajionyi, F. . L., Omer, S., Riffat, S., & Mempouo, B. (in press). The indispensability of good operation & maintenance (O&M) manuals in the operation and maintenance of low carbon buildings. Sustainable Cities and Society, Article e1-e9.

Increase in energy usage, particularly from fossil fuel sources is widely understood to be responsible for the environmental problems (Climate Change) experienced globally today. Response to mitigating this anthropogenic induced consequence created t... Read More about The indispensability of good operation & maintenance (O&M) manuals in the operation and maintenance of low carbon buildings.

Experimental investigation on PCM cold storage integrated with ejector cooling system (2013)
Journal Article
Chen, X., Worall, M., Omer, S., Su, Y., & Riffat, S. (2014). Experimental investigation on PCM cold storage integrated with ejector cooling system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 63(1), 419-427.

An experimental investigation on the operating characteristics of cold storage ejector cooling system with finned tube inside a cylindrical PCM tank was presented in this paper. The PCM cold storage tank was coupled with the evaporator to store the e... Read More about Experimental investigation on PCM cold storage integrated with ejector cooling system.

Design analysis of a hybrid jet-pump CO2 compression system
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Worall, M., Omer, S., & Riffat, S. Design analysis of a hybrid jet-pump CO2 compression system. Presented at 9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies

Transport refrigeration contributes to anthropogenic global warming directly because of leakage of refrigerant, usually using high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants, and indirectly because of the greenhouse gases emitted in driving the vehi... Read More about Design analysis of a hybrid jet-pump CO2 compression system.