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Dr MOHAMED GADI's Outputs (3)

Managing cultural tourism in post-conflict areas: the Kurdistan Federal Region, Iraq (2017)
Journal Article
Braim, K., McCabe, S., Rickly, J. M., & Gadi, M. (2017). Managing cultural tourism in post-conflict areas: the Kurdistan Federal Region, Iraq. Tourism Today: The Journal of the College of Tourism and Hotel Management, 111-130

Conflict and post-conflict areas often suffer several challenges regarding tourism development owing to poor infrastructure, low investment, a lack of appropriate tourism management planning, and poor implementation mechanisms. Much research has been... Read More about Managing cultural tourism in post-conflict areas: the Kurdistan Federal Region, Iraq.

Reliance of building energy in various climatic regions using multi criteria (2017)
Journal Article
Alwetaishi, M., Gadi, M., & Issa, U. (in press). Reliance of building energy in various climatic regions using multi criteria. International Journal for Sustainable Built Environment,

Selecting a ventilation system for a certain building has always been considered as one of the critical problems for designers. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is characterized by a large area of significant climatic changes. In this research, five cri... Read More about Reliance of building energy in various climatic regions using multi criteria.

Effect of slope angle on energy performance of ground-integrated buildings on slope terrain (2017)
Journal Article
De Castro, M., & Gadi, M. (2017). Effect of slope angle on energy performance of ground-integrated buildings on slope terrain. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 12(2), 283-293.

The noticeable rise in urban development and topography factors across Europe has resulted in a visible increase in the number of residential buildings being constructed in hillside areas. Several studies about ground-integrated architecture have pro... Read More about Effect of slope angle on energy performance of ground-integrated buildings on slope terrain.