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Professor HOLLY BLAKE's Outputs (4)

A Psychometric Analysis of the Stress Management Competency Indicator Tool (2025)
Journal Article
Dulal, T., Hassard, J., Wang, W., Yarker, J., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (in press). A Psychometric Analysis of the Stress Management Competency Indicator Tool. Occupational Medicine,

Background: Work-related stress is a growing concern in the United Kingdom, negatively impacting both employee well-being and organisational effectiveness. Addressing work-related stress through effective managerial practices is essential, however, e... Read More about A Psychometric Analysis of the Stress Management Competency Indicator Tool.

Voluntary HIV Testing and Counselling Initiatives in Occupational Settings: A Scoping Review (2025)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Yildirim, M., Lax, S. J., & Evans, C. (2025). Voluntary HIV Testing and Counselling Initiatives in Occupational Settings: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 22(2), Article 263.

Voluntary HIV testing and counselling (VCT) in the workplace could reach population groups who may be at risk for HIV but may not readily seek out testing from other services. We conducted a scoping review to understand (a) the nature of evidence rel... Read More about Voluntary HIV Testing and Counselling Initiatives in Occupational Settings: A Scoping Review.

Psychological detachment from work predicts mental wellbeing of working-age adults: findings from the ‘Wellbeing of the Workforce’ (WoW) prospective longitudinal cohort study (2025)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Hassard, J., Thomson, L., Choo, W. H., Dulal-Arthur, T., Karanika-Murray, M., Delic, L., Pickford, R., & Rudkin, L. (2025). Psychological detachment from work predicts mental wellbeing of working-age adults: findings from the ‘Wellbeing of the Workforce’ (WoW) prospective longitudinal cohort study. PLoS ONE, 20(1), Article e0312673.

Background There is an urgent need to better understand the factors that predict mental wellbeing in vocationally active adults during globally turbulent times. Aim To explore the relationship between psychological detachment from work (postulated as... Read More about Psychological detachment from work predicts mental wellbeing of working-age adults: findings from the ‘Wellbeing of the Workforce’ (WoW) prospective longitudinal cohort study.