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Professor GORDON AIREY's Outputs (7)

Guidelines for the implementation of SMARTI: Sustainable Multifunctional Automated Resilient Transport Infrastructure (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lo Presti, D., Hautiere, N., Hornych, P., Nkwanga, H., Mignini, C., McLoughlin, A., Di Mino, G., Airey, G., Chailleux, E., del Rubio Gámez, M. C., Pouget, S., Audley, M., Levenberg, E., & Doherty, P. (2022, November). Guidelines for the implementation of SMARTI: Sustainable Multifunctional Automated Resilient Transport Infrastructure. Presented at TRA Lisbon 2022 Conference Proceedings Transport Research Arena (TRA Lisbon 2022), Lisboa, Portugal

The World's transport infrastructures (TI) network is facing fast changes due to population growth, mobility, business trades and globalization. More challenges are coming from unforeseen natural and human-induced hazards, including climate change's... Read More about Guidelines for the implementation of SMARTI: Sustainable Multifunctional Automated Resilient Transport Infrastructure.

Review of methodology for life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis of asphalt pavements (2023)
Journal Article
Suwarto, F., Parry, T., & Airey, G. (2023). Review of methodology for life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis of asphalt pavements. Road Materials and Pavement Design,

Different approaches continue to be used to evaluate the environmental and financial impactsof road pavements throughout their life cycle. This paper aims to provide a methodological review of published studies of asphalt pavement Life Cycle Assessme... Read More about Review of methodology for life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis of asphalt pavements.

Predicting pavement performance using distress deterioration curves (2023)
Journal Article
Abed, A., Rahman, M., Thom, N., Hargreaves, D., Li, L., & Airey, G. (2024). Predicting pavement performance using distress deterioration curves. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 25(6), 1174-1190.

Highway Authorities in the UK use Surface Condition Assessment for the National Network of Roads (SCANNER) in assessing and managing their road networks. This survey vehicle utilises laser measurements to detect and quantify most of the distress on t... Read More about Predicting pavement performance using distress deterioration curves.

2D Mesoscale cracking simulation of partially saturated asphalt based on moisture diffusion and a cohesive zone model (2023)
Journal Article
Li, L., Wu, J., Thom, N., Hargreaves, D., Airey, G., Zhu, J., Abed, A., Rahman, M., & Zhang, Z. (2023). 2D Mesoscale cracking simulation of partially saturated asphalt based on moisture diffusion and a cohesive zone model. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 24(1), Article 2242557.

The primary objective of this paper was to develop a combined model that incorporates moisture diffusion and a cohesive zone model, addressing anisotropic and loading-rate dependent cracking within partially saturated asphalt. Utilising X-ray CT scan... Read More about 2D Mesoscale cracking simulation of partially saturated asphalt based on moisture diffusion and a cohesive zone model.

Engineering characterization and environmental analysis of natural rubber latex modified asphalt mixture (2023)
Journal Article
Suwarto, F., Parry, T., Thom, N., Airey, G., Abed, A., Rahman, T., & Wititanapanit, J. (2023). Engineering characterization and environmental analysis of natural rubber latex modified asphalt mixture. Construction and Building Materials, 402, Article 132970.

Natural Rubber Latex (NRL) has attracted considerable interest as a resource for renewable paving materials due to its potential to lessen environmental impact. In order to gain a thorough understanding of the performance of NRL, this study evaluated... Read More about Engineering characterization and environmental analysis of natural rubber latex modified asphalt mixture.

Analysis and Prediction of Pothole Formation Rate Using Spatial Density Measurements and Pavement Condition Indicators (2023)
Journal Article
Abed, A., Rahman, M., Thom, N., Hargreaves, D., Li, L., & Airey, G. (2023). Analysis and Prediction of Pothole Formation Rate Using Spatial Density Measurements and Pavement Condition Indicators. Transportation Research Record, 2677(11), 651-664.

Potholes represent one of the dangerous distress types on roads. They form as a result of various factors, including water ingress, freeze–thaw, and pavement condition deterioration. In the UK, 1.7 million potholes were repaired in 2021; this critica... Read More about Analysis and Prediction of Pothole Formation Rate Using Spatial Density Measurements and Pavement Condition Indicators.

Uncertainty analysis of life cycle assessment of asphalt surfacings (2023)
Journal Article
Abed, A., Godoi Bizarro, D. E., Neves, L., Parry, T., Keijzer, E., Kalman, B., Jimenez Del Barco Carrion, A., Mantalovas, K., Buttitta, G., Lo Presti, D., & Airey, G. (2023). Uncertainty analysis of life cycle assessment of asphalt surfacings. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 25(2), 219-238.

The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of asphalt pavements are associated with significant uncertainty resulting from variability in the quantity and impact of individual components, the quality of data for each component, and variability of asphalt durabi... Read More about Uncertainty analysis of life cycle assessment of asphalt surfacings.