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Professor GORDON AIREY's Outputs (5)

Improved Multi-layer Analysis of Pavement Response Using Neural Networks to Optimize Numerical Integration (2022)
Journal Article
Abed, A., Thom, N., Campos-Guereta, I., & Airey, G. (2024). Improved Multi-layer Analysis of Pavement Response Using Neural Networks to Optimize Numerical Integration. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 17(3), 549-562.

This paper presents a new accurate method to compute the mechanical response of pavement structures using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model coupled with Multi-Layer Elastic Analysis (MLEA). The ANN model is used to improve the numerical integr... Read More about Improved Multi-layer Analysis of Pavement Response Using Neural Networks to Optimize Numerical Integration.

Rubberised stone mastic asphalt mixtures: a performance-related evaluation (2022)
Journal Article
Subhy, A., Lo Presti, D., Airey, G., & Edwards, P. (2023). Rubberised stone mastic asphalt mixtures: a performance-related evaluation. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 24(9), 2280-2300.

The binder content of rubberised asphalt mixtures is usually increased compared to that used in conventional asphalt. This increase is deemed important to compensate for the reduction in the actual bitumen due to the existence of rubber particles. Th... Read More about Rubberised stone mastic asphalt mixtures: a performance-related evaluation.

Micromechanics-Based Viscoelasticity Predictions of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Considering Polymer Network Effects (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, H., Zhang, H., Liu, X., Apostolidis, P., Erkens, S., Skarpas, A., Leng, Z., & Airey, G. (2022). Micromechanics-Based Viscoelasticity Predictions of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Considering Polymer Network Effects. Transportation Research Record, 2676(10), 73-88.

Crumb rubber modified bitumen (CRMB) can be regarded as a binary composite system in which swollen rubber particles are embedded in the bitumen matrix. Previous study has successfully implemented the micromechanics models in predicting the complex mo... Read More about Micromechanics-Based Viscoelasticity Predictions of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen Considering Polymer Network Effects.

Renewable binders from waste biomass for road construction: A review on thermochemical conversion technologies and current developments (2022)
Journal Article
Weir, A., Jiménez del Barco Carrión, A., Queffélec, C., Bujoli, B., Chailleux, E., Uguna, C., Snape, C., & Airey, G. (2022). Renewable binders from waste biomass for road construction: A review on thermochemical conversion technologies and current developments. Construction and Building Materials, 330, Article 127076.

Biobinders (binders manufactured from biomass) are becoming popular in asphalt engineering due to growing environmental concerns of greenhouse gas emissions from the use of fossil fuels and depleting petroleum bitumen reserves. Waste biomass products... Read More about Renewable binders from waste biomass for road construction: A review on thermochemical conversion technologies and current developments.

Characterisation of fatigue damage in asphalt mixtures using X-ray computed tomography (2022)
Journal Article
Chen, A., Airey, G., Thom, N., & Li, Y. (2023). Characterisation of fatigue damage in asphalt mixtures using X-ray computed tomography. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 24(3), 653-671.

The high-resolution X-ray CT was applied to investigate the fatigue damage evolution of asphalt mixtures. The detailed Xray CT images in the centre of the samples were used to characterise the fatigue cracking and air voids increase at different vert... Read More about Characterisation of fatigue damage in asphalt mixtures using X-ray computed tomography.