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Professor GORDON AIREY's Outputs (11)

Physical and rheological characterization of carbonated bitumen for paving applications (2017)
Journal Article
Apeagyei, A. K., & Airey, G. (2018). Physical and rheological characterization of carbonated bitumen for paving applications. Materials and Design, 140,

In the paving industry, current attempts aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions have focused on the development of technologies that decrease bitumen viscosity so that asphalt mixtures can be produced at temperatures that are lower than conventio... Read More about Physical and rheological characterization of carbonated bitumen for paving applications.

Relative pavement performance for dual and wide-based tyre assemblies using a finite element method (2017)
Journal Article
Casey, D., Airey, G., & Grenfell, J. (2017). Relative pavement performance for dual and wide-based tyre assemblies using a finite element method. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 45(6),

There is a need to assess the realistic tire contact pressure created by a tire in contact with a pavement. The contact pressure is a function of tire type, axle loading, and tire inflation pressure (TiP). The research carried out considered dual tir... Read More about Relative pavement performance for dual and wide-based tyre assemblies using a finite element method.

Laboratory evaluation of Rediset modified bitumen based on rheology and adhesion properties (2017)
Journal Article
Zhang, J., Airey, G., Grenfell, J., & Yao, Z. (2017). Laboratory evaluation of Rediset modified bitumen based on rheology and adhesion properties. Construction and Building Materials, 152,

Warm mix asphalt (WMA) could significantly reduce the production temperature of asphalt mixtures. Lower production temperature meaning reduced fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emission which in turn avoid environmental pollution in the road... Read More about Laboratory evaluation of Rediset modified bitumen based on rheology and adhesion properties.

Evaluation of bio-materials’ rejuvenating effect on binders for high-reclaimed asphalt content mixtures (2017)
Journal Article
Jiménez del Barco Carrión, A., Perez-Martinez, M., Themeli, A., Lo Presti, D., Marsac, P., Pouget, S., Hammoum, F., Chailleux, E., & Airey, G. (in press). Evaluation of bio-materials’ rejuvenating effect on binders for high-reclaimed asphalt content mixtures. Materiales de Construcción, 67(327),

The interest in using bio-materials in pavement engineering has grown significantly over the last decades due to environmental concerns about the use of non-recoverable natural resources. In this paper, bio-materials are used together with Reclaimed... Read More about Evaluation of bio-materials’ rejuvenating effect on binders for high-reclaimed asphalt content mixtures.

Self-healing of dense asphalt concrete by two different approaches: Electromagnetic induction and infrared radiation (2017)
Journal Article
Ajam, H., Lastra-Gonzalez, P., Gomez-Meijide, B., Airey, G., & Garcia, A. (in press). Self-healing of dense asphalt concrete by two different approaches: Electromagnetic induction and infrared radiation. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 45(6),

Self-healing of cracks in asphalt mixtures is a phenomenon that can be accelerated by reducing the viscosity of bitumen as it increases the capillarity flow through the cracks. One method to achieve this is by increasing temperature, which also produ... Read More about Self-healing of dense asphalt concrete by two different approaches: Electromagnetic induction and infrared radiation.

Evaluation of the fracture performance of different rubberised bitumens based on the essential work of fracture (2017)
Journal Article
Subhy, A., Subhy, A., Lo Presti, D., & Airey, G. (2017). Evaluation of the fracture performance of different rubberised bitumens based on the essential work of fracture. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 179, 203-212.

The fracture performance of rubberised bitumen in addition to one pre-treated with a Warm Mix Additive (Sasobit®) was investigated using different test methods measuring different damage mechanisms. Two Recycled Tyre Rubber (RTR) modifiers together w... Read More about Evaluation of the fracture performance of different rubberised bitumens based on the essential work of fracture.

New simplified approach for obtaining a reliable plateau value in fatigue analysis of bituminous materials (2017)
Journal Article
Subhy, A., Lo Presti, D., & Airey, G. (2017). New simplified approach for obtaining a reliable plateau value in fatigue analysis of bituminous materials. Engineering Failure Analysis, 79, 263-273.

The Plateau Value (PV) based on the Ratio of Dissipated Energy Change (RDEC) approach has been proven to provide a unique relationship with the fatigue life, Nf, independent of loading mode, temperature and frequency. In this paper, a new simplified... Read More about New simplified approach for obtaining a reliable plateau value in fatigue analysis of bituminous materials.

Evaluation of the degradation of fine asphalt-aggregate mixtures containing high reclaimed asphalt pavement contents (2017)
Journal Article
Sánchez, D. B., Grenfell, J., Airey, G., & Caro, S. (in press). Evaluation of the degradation of fine asphalt-aggregate mixtures containing high reclaimed asphalt pavement contents. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 18(sup2),

This paper evaluates the mechanical properties and performance of the fine aggregate matrix (FAM) existing within full reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) asphalt mixtures, in terms of their rheological and fatigue deterioration properties. The RAP mate... Read More about Evaluation of the degradation of fine asphalt-aggregate mixtures containing high reclaimed asphalt pavement contents.

Linear viscoelastic properties of high reclaimed asphalt content mixes with biobinders (2017)
Journal Article
Chailleux, E., Pouget, S., Barco Carrión, A., Barco Carrión, A. J. D., Lo Presti, D., Pouget, S., Airey, G., & Chailleux, E. (2017). Linear viscoelastic properties of high reclaimed asphalt content mixes with biobinders. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 18(sup2), 241-251.

The use of high Reclaimed Asphalt (RA) content mixtures together with binders produced from renewable resources (biobinders) is one of the current challenges in pavement engineering research. On the one hand, RA has been used for decades, but there a... Read More about Linear viscoelastic properties of high reclaimed asphalt content mixes with biobinders.

Moisture damage evaluation of aggregate–bitumen bonds with the respect of moisture absorption, tensile strength and failure surface (2017)
Journal Article
Zhang, J., Airey, G. D., Grenfell, J., & Apeagyei, A. K. (in press). Moisture damage evaluation of aggregate–bitumen bonds with the respect of moisture absorption, tensile strength and failure surface. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 18(4),

The moisture-induced deterioration of asphalt mixture is because of the loss of adhesion at the aggregate–bitumen interface and/or the loss of cohesion within the bitumen film. An experimental study was undertaken in this paper to characterise the ef... Read More about Moisture damage evaluation of aggregate–bitumen bonds with the respect of moisture absorption, tensile strength and failure surface.

Structural design of pavements incorporating foamed bitumen mixtures (2017)
Journal Article
Kuna, K., Airey, G., & Thom, N. (in press). Structural design of pavements incorporating foamed bitumen mixtures. Proceedings of the ICE - Construction Materials,

This paper presents a rational structural design methodology termed the ‘cumulative damage approach’ for road, port and airport pavements incorporating cold bituminous mixtures with foamed bitumen. This has been developed along with a laboratory test... Read More about Structural design of pavements incorporating foamed bitumen mixtures.