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Professor HARMINDER DUA's Outputs (5)

Seasonal patterns of incidence, demographic factors and microbiological profiles of infectious keratitis: the Nottingham Infectious Keratitis Study (2020)
Journal Article
Ting, D. S. J., Ho, C. S., Cairns, J., Gopal, B. P., Elsahn, A., Al-Aqaba, M., Boswell, T., Said, D. G., & Dua, H. S. (2021). Seasonal patterns of incidence, demographic factors and microbiological profiles of infectious keratitis: the Nottingham Infectious Keratitis Study. Eye, 35(9), 2543-2549.

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the seasonal patterns of incidence, demographic factors and microbiological profiles of infectious keratitis (IK) in Nottingham, UK. Methods: A retrospective study of all patients who were diagnosed wi... Read More about Seasonal patterns of incidence, demographic factors and microbiological profiles of infectious keratitis: the Nottingham Infectious Keratitis Study.

Antimicrobial peptides in human corneal tissue of patients with fungal keratitis (2020)
Journal Article
Mohammed, I., Mohanty, D., Said, D. G., Barik, M. R., Reddy, M. M., Alsaadi, A., Das, S., Dua, H. S., & Mittal, R. (2021). Antimicrobial peptides in human corneal tissue of patients with fungal keratitis. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 105(8), 1172-1177.

Background Fungal keratitis (FK) is the leading cause of unilateral blindness in the developing world. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have been shown to play an important role on human ocular surface (OS) during bacterial, viral and protozoan infectio... Read More about Antimicrobial peptides in human corneal tissue of patients with fungal keratitis.

12-year analysis of incidence, microbiological profiles and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of infectious keratitis: the Nottingham Infectious Keratitis Study (2020)
Journal Article
Ting, D. S. J., Ho, C. S., Cairns, J., Elsahn, A., Al-Aqaba, M. A., Boswell, T., Said, D. G., & Dua, H. (2021). 12-year analysis of incidence, microbiological profiles and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of infectious keratitis: the Nottingham Infectious Keratitis Study. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 105(3), 328-333.

Background/aims: To examine the incidence, causative microorganisms and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility and resistance profiles of infectious keratitis (IK) in Nottingham, UK.

Methods: A retrospective study of all patients who were diagnosed... Read More about 12-year analysis of incidence, microbiological profiles and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of infectious keratitis: the Nottingham Infectious Keratitis Study.

Profiling ocular surface responses to preserved and non‐preserved topical glaucoma medications: a two‐year randomised evaluation study (2020)
Journal Article
Mohammed, I., Kulkarni, B., Faraj, L. A., Abbas, A., Dua, H. S., & King, A. J. (2020). Profiling ocular surface responses to preserved and non‐preserved topical glaucoma medications: a two‐year randomised evaluation study. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 48(7), 973-982.

Use of topical glaucoma medications has been reported to cause ocular surface (OS) discomfort and inflammation. This study explores the profile of inflammatory cytokines and OS symptoms induced in response to preserved and non‐preserved d... Read More about Profiling ocular surface responses to preserved and non‐preserved topical glaucoma medications: a two‐year randomised evaluation study.

Strategies in Translating the Therapeutic Potentials of Host Defense Peptides (2020)
Journal Article
Ting, D. S. J., Beuerman, R. W., Dua, H. S., Lakshminarayanan, R., & Mohammed, I. (2020). Strategies in Translating the Therapeutic Potentials of Host Defense Peptides. Frontiers in Immunology, 11, Article 983.

The golden era of antibiotics, heralded by the discovery of penicillin, has long been challenged by the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Host defense peptides (HDPs), previously known as antimicrobial peptides, are emerging as a group of... Read More about Strategies in Translating the Therapeutic Potentials of Host Defense Peptides.