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Professor Peter Beton's Outputs (7)

Triplet Excitation and Electroluminescence from a Supramolecular Monolayer Embedded in a Boron Nitride Tunnel Barrier (2019)
Journal Article
Svatek, S. A., Kerfoot, J., Summerfield, A., Nizovtsev, A. S., Korolkov, V. V., Taniguchi, T., Watanabe, K., Antolín, E., Besley, E., & Beton, P. H. (2020). Triplet Excitation and Electroluminescence from a Supramolecular Monolayer Embedded in a Boron Nitride Tunnel Barrier. Nano Letters, 20(1), 278-283.

© 2019 American Chemical Society. We show that ordered monolayers of organic molecules stabilized by hydrogen bonding on the surface of exfoliated few-layer hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) flakes may be incorporated into van der Waals heterostructures... Read More about Triplet Excitation and Electroluminescence from a Supramolecular Monolayer Embedded in a Boron Nitride Tunnel Barrier.

AIRBED: a simplified density functional theory model for physisorption on surfaces (2019)
Journal Article
Mason, S. E., Beton, P. H., & Besley, N. A. (2019). AIRBED: a simplified density functional theory model for physisorption on surfaces. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 15(10), 5628-5634.

Dispersion interactions are commonly included in density functional theory (DFT) calculations through the addition of an empirical correction. In this study, a modification is made to the damping function in DFT-D2 calculations, to describe repulsion... Read More about AIRBED: a simplified density functional theory model for physisorption on surfaces.

Epitaxial multilayers of alkanes on two-dimensional black phosphorus as passivating and electrically insulating nanostructures (2019)
Journal Article
Bolognesi, M., Brucale, M., Lorenzoni, A., Prescimone, F., Moschetto, S., Korolkov, V. V., Baldoni, M., Serrano-Ruiz, M., Caporali, M., Mercuri, F., Besley, E., Muccini, M., Peruzzini, M., Beton, P. H., & Toffanin, S. (2019). Epitaxial multilayers of alkanes on two-dimensional black phosphorus as passivating and electrically insulating nanostructures. Nanoscale, 11(37), 17252-17261.

© The Royal Society of Chemistry. Mechanically exfoliated two-dimensional (2D) black phosphorus (bP) is epitaxially terminated by monolayers and multilayers of tetracosane, a linear alkane, to form a weakly interacting van der Waals heterostructure.... Read More about Epitaxial multilayers of alkanes on two-dimensional black phosphorus as passivating and electrically insulating nanostructures.

Ordering, Flexibility and Frustration in Arrays of Porphyrin Nanorings (2019)
Journal Article
Summerfield, A., Baldoni, M., Kondratuk, D. V., Anderson, H. L., Whitelam, S., Garrahan, J. P., Besley, E., & Beton, P. H. (2019). Ordering, Flexibility and Frustration in Arrays of Porphyrin Nanorings. Nature Communications, 10, Article 2932.

The regular packing of atoms, molecules and nanoparticles provides the basis for the understanding of structural order within condensed phases of matter. Typically the constituent particles are considered to be rigid with a fixed shape. Here we show,... Read More about Ordering, Flexibility and Frustration in Arrays of Porphyrin Nanorings.

Direct band-gap crossover in epitaxial monolayer boron nitride (2019)
Journal Article
Elias, C., Valvin, P., Pelini, T., Summerfield, A., Mellor, C., Cheng, T., Eaves, L., Foxon, C., Beton, P., Novikov, S., Gil, B., & Cassabois, G. (2019). Direct band-gap crossover in epitaxial monolayer boron nitride. Nature Communications, 10, Article 2639.

Hexagonal boron nitride is a large band-gap insulating material which complements the electronic and optical properties of graphene and the transition metal dichalcogenides. However, the intrinsic optical properties of monolayer boron nitride remain... Read More about Direct band-gap crossover in epitaxial monolayer boron nitride.

Two-Dimensional Diffusion of Excitons in a Perylene Diimide Monolayer Quenched by a Fullerene Heterojunction (2019)
Journal Article
Kerfoot, J., Korolkov, V. V., Svatek, S. A., Alkhamisi, M., Taniguchi, T., Watanabe, K., Parkinson, P. W., & Beton, P. H. (2019). Two-Dimensional Diffusion of Excitons in a Perylene Diimide Monolayer Quenched by a Fullerene Heterojunction. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(19), 12249-12254.

The structural and functional properties of organic heterojunctions play a vitally important role in the operation of organic devices, but their properties are difficult to measure directly due to the buried interfaces which are typically formed. We... Read More about Two-Dimensional Diffusion of Excitons in a Perylene Diimide Monolayer Quenched by a Fullerene Heterojunction.

Ultra-high resolution imaging of thin films and single strands of polythiophene using atomic force microscopy (2019)
Journal Article
Korolkov, V. V., Summerfield, A., Murphy, A., Amabilino, D. B., Watanabe, K., Taniguchi, T., & Beton, P. H. (2019). Ultra-high resolution imaging of thin films and single strands of polythiophene using atomic force microscopy. Nature Communications, 10, Article 1537.

Real-space images of polymers with sub-molecular resolution could provide valuable insights into the relationship between morphology and functionality of polymer optoelectronic devices, but their acquisition is problematic due to perceived limitation... Read More about Ultra-high resolution imaging of thin films and single strands of polythiophene using atomic force microscopy.