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Professor NIGEL WHITE's Outputs (51)

The use of weapons in peace operations (2014)
Book Chapter
White, N. D. (2014). The use of weapons in peace operations. In S. Casey-Maslen (Ed.), Weapons under international human rights law (197-239). Cambridge University Press

Due diligence obligations of conduct: developing a responsibility regime for PMSCs (2012)
Journal Article
White, N. D. (2012). Due diligence obligations of conduct: developing a responsibility regime for PMSCs. Criminal Justice Ethics, 31(3),

As non-state actors, PMSCs are not embraced by traditional state-dominated doctrines of international law. However, international law has itself failed to keep pace with the evolution of states and state-based actors, to which strong Westphalian noti... Read More about Due diligence obligations of conduct: developing a responsibility regime for PMSCs.

Libya and lessons from Iraq: international law and the use of force by the United Kingdom (2011)
Journal Article
White, N. D. (2011). Libya and lessons from Iraq: international law and the use of force by the United Kingdom. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, 42,

Those countries, including the United Kingdom, using force in Libya in 2011 have taken much greater care to ensure that their actions are underpinned by legality. This suggests a return to respect for the jus ad bellum, but as the operation against L... Read More about Libya and lessons from Iraq: international law and the use of force by the United Kingdom.

International law, the United Kingdom and decisions to deploy troops abroad (2010)
Journal Article
White, N. D. (2010). International law, the United Kingdom and decisions to deploy troops abroad. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 59(3),

Examines the role that international law plays in UK institutions of government when considering the deployment of armed forces to conflict and post-conflict zones. This is put into the context of the debate in the UK about the introduction of a War... Read More about International law, the United Kingdom and decisions to deploy troops abroad.