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Biomaterials for intestinal organoid technology and personalized disease modelling (2021)
Journal Article
Hirota, A., AlMusawi, S., Nateri, A. S., Ordóñez-Moran, P., & Imajo, M. (2021). Biomaterials for intestinal organoid technology and personalized disease modelling. Acta Biomaterialia, 132, 272-287.

Recent advances in intestinal organoid technologies have paved the way for in vitro recapitulation of the homeostatic renewal of adult tissues, tissue or organ morphogenesis during development, and pathogenesis of many disorders. In vitro modelling o... Read More about Biomaterials for intestinal organoid technology and personalized disease modelling.

Genomic instability profiles at the single cell level in mouse colorectal cancers of defined genotypes (2021)
Journal Article
Dionellis, V. S., Norkin, M., Karamichali, A., Rossetti, G. G., Huelsken, J., Ordonez-Moran, P., & Halazonetis, T. D. (2021). Genomic instability profiles at the single cell level in mouse colorectal cancers of defined genotypes. Cancers, 13(6), Article 1267.

The genomes of many human CRCs have been sequenced, revealing a large number of genetic alterations. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the accumulation of these alterations are still being debated. In this study, we examined colorectal tum... Read More about Genomic instability profiles at the single cell level in mouse colorectal cancers of defined genotypes.