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Participation in medical decision-making across Europe: an international longitudinal multicenter study

B�r, Arlette; Hengartner, Michael P.; Kawohl, Wolfram; Konrad, Jana; Puschner, Bernd; Clarke, Eleanor; Slade, Mike; Valeria Del Vecchio, Valeria; Sampogna, Gaia; �gerh�zi, Anik�; S�veges, �gnes; Krogsgaard Bording, Malene; Munk-J�rgensen, Povl; R�ssler, Wulf

Participation in medical decision-making across Europe: an international longitudinal multicenter study Thumbnail


Arlette B�r

Michael P. Hengartner

Wolfram Kawohl

Jana Konrad

Bernd Puschner

Eleanor Clarke

Valeria Valeria Del Vecchio

Gaia Sampogna

Anik� �gerh�zi

�gnes S�veges

Malene Krogsgaard Bording

Povl Munk-J�rgensen

Wulf R�ssler


Background: The purpose of this paper was to examine national differences in the desire to participate in decision-making of people with severe mental illness in six European countries.

Methods: The data was taken from a European longitudinal observational study (CEDAR; ISRCTN75841675). A sample of 514 patients with severe mental illness from the study centers in Ulm, Germany, London, England, Naples, Italy, Debrecen, Hungary, Aalborg, Denmark and Zurich, Switzerland were assessed as to desire to participate in medical decision-making. Associations between desire for participation in decision-making and center location were analyzed with generalized estimating equations.

Results: We found large cross-national differences in patients’ desire to participate in decision-making, with the center explaining 40% of total variance in the desire for participation (p<0.001). Averaged over time and independent of patient characteristics, London (mean=2.27), Ulm (mean=2.13) and Zurich (mean=2.14) showed significantly higher scores in desire for participation, followed by Aalborg (mean=1.97), where scores were in turn significantly higher than in Debrecen (mean=1.56). The lowest scores were reported in Naples (mean=1.14). Over time, desire for participation in decision-making increased significantly in Zurich (b=0.23) and decreased in Naples (b=-0.14). In all other centers, values remained stable.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates that patients’ desire for participation in decisionmaking varies by location. We suggest that more research attention be focused on identifying specific cultural and social factors in each country to further explain observed differences across Europe.


Bär, A., Hengartner, M. P., Kawohl, W., Konrad, J., Puschner, B., Clarke, E., Slade, M., Valeria Del Vecchio, V., Sampogna, G., Égerházi, A., Süveges, Á., Krogsgaard Bording, M., Munk-Jørgensen, P., & Rössler, W. (2016). Participation in medical decision-making across Europe: an international longitudinal multicenter study. European Psychiatry, 35,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 15, 2016
Online Publication Date Apr 7, 2016
Publication Date May 1, 2016
Deposit Date Feb 22, 2016
Publicly Available Date Apr 7, 2016
Journal European Psychiatry
Print ISSN 0924-9338
Electronic ISSN 1778-3585
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 35
Keywords Clinical decision-making, Patient participation, Multicenter study, Severe mental illness
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Feb 22, 2016


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