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Coupled electrothermal two-dimensional model for lightning strike prediction and thermal modeling using the TLM method

Elkalsh, Ahmed; Sewell, Phillip; Benson, Trevor M.; Vukovic, Ana

Coupled electrothermal two-dimensional model for lightning strike prediction and thermal modeling using the TLM method Thumbnail


Ahmed Elkalsh

Trevor M. Benson


This paper presents a fully coupled two-dimensional (2-D) multiphysics model for predicting the location of the arc discharge and lightning channel, and modeling its thermal and electrical behavior as a highly conductive plasma channel. The model makes no assumptions on the physical location of the lightning channel but predicts its appearance purely from the electromagnetic (EM) field conditions. A heat diffusion model is combined with the time-varying nature of the EM problem where material properties switch from linear air material to a dispersive and nonlinear plasma channel. This multiphysics model is checked for self-consistency, stability, accuracy, and convergence on a canonical case where an arc channel is established between two metal electrodes upon exposure to an intensive electric field. The model is then applied to the 2-D study of a diverter strip for aircraft lightning protection.


Elkalsh, A., Sewell, P., Benson, T. M., & Vukovic, A. (2017). Coupled electrothermal two-dimensional model for lightning strike prediction and thermal modeling using the TLM method. IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques, 2, 38-48.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 26, 2017
Publication Date Mar 15, 2017
Deposit Date May 12, 2017
Publicly Available Date May 12, 2017
Journal IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques
Electronic ISSN 2379-8815
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 2
Pages 38-48
Keywords Plasmas, Atmospheric modeling, Time-domain analysis, Lightning, Numerical models, Time-varying systems, Computational modeling, Arc discharge, Electromagnetics (EMs), Lightning, Multiphysics modelling, Plasma, Thermal model, Thermally dependent electrical conductivity, Transmission-line matrix (TLM) method
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Contract Date May 12, 2017


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