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Genetic loci associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap with loci for lung function and pulmonary fibrosis

Hobbs, Brian D.; de Jong, Kim; Lamontagne, Maxime; Boss?, Yohan; Shrine, Nick; Artigas, Mar?a Soler; Wain, Louise V.; Hall, Ian P.; Jackson, Victoria E.; Wyss, Annah B.; London, Stephanie J.; North, Kari E.; Franceschini, Nora; Strachan, David P.; Beaty, Terri H.; Hokanson, John E.; Crapo, James D.; Castaldi, Peter J.; Chase, Robert P.; Bartz, Traci M.; Heckbert, Susan R.; Psaty, Bruce M.; Gharib, Sina A.; Zanen, Pieter; Lammers, Jan W.; Oudkerk, Matthijs; Groen, H.J.; Locantore, Nicholas; Tal-Singer, Ruth; Rennard, Stephen I.; Vestbo, J?rgen; Timens, Wim; Par?, Peter D.; Latourelle, Jeanne C.; Dupuis, Jos?e; O'Connor, George T.; Wilk, Jemma B.; Kim, Woo Jin; Lee, Mi Kyeong; Oh, Yeon-Mok; Vonk, Judith M.; de Koning, Harry J.; Leng, Shuguang; Belinsky, Steven A.; Tesfaigzi, Yohannes; Manichaikul, Ani; Wang, Xin-Qun; Rich, Stephen S.; Barr, R. Graham; Sparrow, David; Litonjua, Augusto A.; Bakke, Per; Gulsvik, Amund; Lahousse, Lies; Brusselle, Guy G.; Stricker, Bruno H.; Uitterlinden, And...

Genetic loci associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap with loci for lung function and pulmonary fibrosis Thumbnail


Brian D. Hobbs

Kim de Jong

Maxime Lamontagne

Yohan Boss�

Nick Shrine

Mar�a Soler Artigas

Louise V. Wain

Ian P. Hall

Victoria E. Jackson

Annah B. Wyss

Stephanie J. London

Kari E. North

Nora Franceschini

David P. Strachan

Terri H. Beaty

John E. Hokanson

James D. Crapo

Peter J. Castaldi

Robert P. Chase

Traci M. Bartz

Susan R. Heckbert

Bruce M. Psaty

Sina A. Gharib

Pieter Zanen

Jan W. Lammers

Matthijs Oudkerk

H.J. Groen

Nicholas Locantore

Ruth Tal-Singer

Stephen I. Rennard

J�rgen Vestbo

Wim Timens

Peter D. Par�

Jeanne C. Latourelle

Jos�e Dupuis

George T. O'Connor

Jemma B. Wilk

Woo Jin Kim

Mi Kyeong Lee

Yeon-Mok Oh

Judith M. Vonk

Harry J. de Koning

Shuguang Leng

Steven A. Belinsky

Yohannes Tesfaigzi

Ani Manichaikul

Xin-Qun Wang

Stephen S. Rich

R. Graham Barr

David Sparrow

Augusto A. Litonjua

Per Bakke

Amund Gulsvik

Lies Lahousse

Guy G. Brusselle

Bruno H. Stricker

Andr� G. Uitterlinden

Elizabeth J. Ampleford

Eugene R. Bleecker

Prescott G. Woodruff

Deborah A. Meyers

Dandi Qiao

David A. Lomas

Jae-Joon Yim

Deog Kyeom Kim

Iwona Hawrylkiewicz

Pawel Sliwinski

Megan Hardin

Tasha E. Fingerlin

David A. Schwartz

Dirkje S. Postma

William MacNee

Martin D. Tobin

Edwin K. Silverman

H. Marike Boezen

Michael H. Cho


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of mortality worldwide. We performed a genetic association study in 15,256 cases and 47,936 controls, with replication of select top results (P < 5 × 10(-6)) in 9,498 cases and 9,748 controls. In the combined meta-analysis, we identified 22 loci associated at genome-wide significance, including 13 new associations with COPD. Nine of these 13 loci have been associated with lung function in general population samples, while 4 (EEFSEC, DSP, MTCL1, and SFTPD) are new. We noted two loci shared with pulmonary fibrosis (FAM13A and DSP) but that had opposite risk alleles for COPD. None of our loci overlapped with genome-wide associations for asthma, although one locus has been implicated in joint susceptibility to asthma and obesity. We also identified genetic correlation between COPD and asthma. Our findings highlight new loci associated with COPD, demonstrate the importance of specific loci associated with lung function to COPD, and identify potential regions of genetic overlap between COPD and other respiratory diseases.


Hobbs, B. D., de Jong, K., Lamontagne, M., Bossé, Y., Shrine, N., Artigas, M. S., Wain, L. V., Hall, I. P., Jackson, V. E., Wyss, A. B., London, S. J., North, K. E., Franceschini, N., Strachan, D. P., Beaty, T. H., Hokanson, J. E., Crapo, J. D., Castaldi, P. J., Chase, R. P., Bartz, T. M., …Cho, M. H. (in press). Genetic loci associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap with loci for lung function and pulmonary fibrosis. Nature Genetics, 49(3),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 23, 2016
Online Publication Date Feb 6, 2017
Deposit Date Jul 21, 2017
Publicly Available Date Jul 21, 2017
Journal Nature Genetics
Print ISSN 1061-4036
Electronic ISSN 1546-1718
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 49
Issue 3
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Jul 21, 2017


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