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Negotiating employability: migrant capitals and networking strategies for Zimbabwean highly skilled migrants in the UK

Thondhlana, Juliet; Madziva, Roda; McGrath, Simon

Negotiating employability: migrant capitals and networking strategies for Zimbabwean highly skilled migrants in the UK Thumbnail


Simon McGrath


In this paper we focus on highly skilled migration from Zimbabwe to the UK, exploring these migrants’ social capital sources/structures and content. In doing so we pay attention to routes of migration and how they shape migrants’ networking capabilities and patterns. We further take a Bourdieusian perspective and explore the intersection between social capital and cultural capital in the process of migrants’ negotiation of employment opportunities, giving closer attention to how the distinctive habitus associated with being highly skilled migrants from Zimbabwe shape migrants’ attitudes towards work. By exploring the interplay between external processes and internalised structures, we bring to the fore the multiple positioning of our participants, who we see not as simply depending on social networks, but as complex actors whose negotiation of employability in the UK is shaped by various factors including intersecting aspects of differentiation.


Thondhlana, J., Madziva, R., & McGrath, S. (in press). Negotiating employability: migrant capitals and networking strategies for Zimbabwean highly skilled migrants in the UK. Sociological Review, 64(3), 575-592.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 12, 2016
Deposit Date Mar 15, 2016
Publicly Available Date Aug 31, 2016
Journal The Sociological Review
Print ISSN 0038-0261
Electronic ISSN 1467-954X
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 64
Issue 3
Pages 575-592
Keywords Cultural Capital, Habitus, Highly Skilled Migrants, Social Capital, Social Networks
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Thondhlana, J., Madziva, R. and McGrath, S. (2016), Negotiating employability: migrant capitals and networking strategies for Zimbabwean highly skilled migrants in the UK. The Sociological Review, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving
Contract Date Mar 15, 2016


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