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Psychometric evaluation of the Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery (QPR)

Williams, Julie; Leamy, Mary; Pesola, Francesca; Bird, Victoria; Le Boutillier, Clair; Slade, Mike

Psychometric evaluation of the Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery (QPR) Thumbnail


Julie Williams

Mary Leamy

Francesca Pesola

Victoria Bird

Clair Le Boutillier


Background: Supporting recovery is the aim of national mental health policy in many countries, including England. There is a need for standardised measures of recovery, to assess policy implementation and inform clinical practice. Only one measure of recovery has been developed in England: the Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery (QPR) which measures recovery from the perspective of adult mental health service users with a psychosis diagnosis.
Aims: To independently evaluate the psychometric properties of the 15-item and 22-item versions of QPR.
Method: Two samples were used: Dataset 1 (n=88) involved assessment of QPR at baseline, two weeks and three months. Dataset 2 (n=399; ISRCTN02507940) involved assessment of QPR at baseline and one year.
Results: For the 15-item version, internal consistency was 0.89, convergent validity was 0.73, test-retest reliability was 0.74 and sensitivity to change was 0.40. Confirmatory factor analysis showed the 15-item version offered a good fit. For the 22 item version comprising two sub-scales, the Interpersonal sub-scale was found to under-perform and the Intrapersonal sub-scale overlaps substantially with the 15 item version. Conclusions: Both the 15-item and the Intrapersonal sub-scale of the 22-item versions of the QPR demonstrated satisfactory psychometric properties. The 15-item version is slightly more robust and also less burdensome, so it can be recommended for use in research and clinical practice.
Declaration of interest: None.


Williams, J., Leamy, M., Pesola, F., Bird, V., Le Boutillier, C., & Slade, M. (2015). Psychometric evaluation of the Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery (QPR). British Journal of Psychiatry, 207(6),

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Dec 1, 2015
Deposit Date Dec 10, 2015
Publicly Available Date Dec 10, 2015
Journal British Journal of Psychiatry
Print ISSN 0007-1250
Electronic ISSN 1472-1465
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 207
Issue 6
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is an author-produced electronic version of an article accepted for publication in the British Journal of Psychiatry. The definitive publisher-authenticated version is available online at