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Ovine fetal testis stage-specific sensitivity to environmental chemical mixtures

Lea, Richard G; Mandon-Pépin, Beatrice; Loup, Benoit; Poumerol, Elodie; Jouneau, Luc; Egbowon, Biola F.; Bowden, Adelle; Cotinot, Corinne; Purdie, Laura; Zhang, Zulin; Fowler, Paul A.; Sinclair, Kevin D.

Ovine fetal testis stage-specific sensitivity to environmental chemical mixtures Thumbnail


Beatrice Mandon-Pépin

Benoit Loup

Elodie Poumerol

Luc Jouneau

Biola F. Egbowon

Corinne Cotinot

Laura Purdie

Zulin Zhang

Paul A. Fowler


Exposure of the fetal testis to numerous individual environmental chemicals (ECs) is frequently associated with dysregulated development, leading to impaired adult reproductive competence. However, 'real-life' exposure involves complex mixtures of ECs. Here we test the consequences, for the male fetus, of exposing pregnant ewes to EC mixtures derived from pastures treated with biosolids fertiliser (processed human sewage). Fetal testes from continuously exposed ewes were either unaffected at day 80 or exhibited a reduced area of testis immunostained for CYP17A1 protein at day 140. Fetal testes from day 140 pregnant ewes that were exposed transiently for 80-day periods during early (0-80 days), mid (30-110 days), or late (60-140 days) pregnancy had fewer Sertoli cells and reduced testicular area stained for CYP17A1. Male fetuses from ewes exposed during late pregnancy also exhibited reduced fetal body, adrenal and testis mass, anogenital distance, and lowered testosterone; collectively indicative of an anti-androgenic effect. Exposure limited to early gestation induced more testis transcriptome changes than observed for continuously exposed day 140 fetuses. These data suggest that a short period of EC exposure does not allow sufficient time for the testis to adapt. Consequently, testicular transcriptomic changes induced during the first 80 days of gestation may equate with phenotypic effects observed at day 140. In contrast, relatively fewer changes in the testis transcriptome in fetuses exposed continuously to ECs throughout gestation are associated with less severe consequences. Unless corrected by or during puberty, these differential effects would predictably have adverse outcomes for adult testicular function and fertility.


Lea, R. G., Mandon-Pépin, B., Loup, B., Poumerol, E., Jouneau, L., Egbowon, B. F., Bowden, A., Cotinot, C., Purdie, L., Zhang, Z., Fowler, P. A., & Sinclair, K. D. (2022). Ovine fetal testis stage-specific sensitivity to environmental chemical mixtures. Reproduction, 163(2), 119-131.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 11, 2022
Online Publication Date Feb 3, 2022
Publication Date Feb 1, 2022
Deposit Date Jan 27, 2022
Publicly Available Date Jan 27, 2022
Journal Reproduction
Print ISSN 1470-1626
Electronic ISSN 1741-7899
Publisher BioScientifica
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 163
Issue 2
Pages 119-131
Keywords Cell Biology; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Endocrinology; Embryology; Reproductive Medicine
Public URL
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