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Electrothermal combined optimization on notch in air-cooled high-speed permanent-magnet generator

Zhang, Xiaochen; Li, Weili; Baoquan, Kou; Cao, Junci; Cao, Haichuan; Gerada, C.; Zhang, He

Electrothermal combined optimization on notch in air-cooled high-speed permanent-magnet generator Thumbnail


Xiaochen Zhang

Weili Li

Kou Baoquan

Junci Cao

Haichuan Cao

He Zhang


A 30kVA, 96000rpm, air cooled high-speed permanent magnetic generator (HSPMG) is investigated in this paper. Considering effects on both the magnetic circuit and heat transfer paths comprehensively, the stator slot notch in this HSPMG is optimized. First, by using the time-stepping finite element method, the transient electromagnetic fields of HSPMG is numerically calculated, and the electromagnetic losses in different components are obtained. Then, after the determination of other mechanical losses in such a machine, a three-dimensional fluid-thermal coupling calculation model is established, and the working temperature distribution in the HSPMG is studied. Thus, the electromagnetic-fluid-thermal coupling analysis method on the HSPMG is proposed, by using which the influences of machine notch height on machine magnetic circuit and cooling air flowing path are investigated. Meanwhile, both the electromagnetic performance and the temperature distribution in HSPMG with different stator notch height are studied, and a series of analytical equations are deduced to describe the variations of machine performances with stator notch. By using the proposed unbalance relative weighting method, the notch height is optimized to enhance the performance of HSPMG. The obtained conclusions could provide reference for HSPMG electromagnetic calculation, cooling system design, and optimization design.


Zhang, X., Li, W., Baoquan, K., Cao, J., Cao, H., Gerada, C., & Zhang, H. (2014). Electrothermal combined optimization on notch in air-cooled high-speed permanent-magnet generator. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 51(1),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 18, 2014
Publication Date Jun 24, 2014
Deposit Date Aug 30, 2016
Publicly Available Date Aug 30, 2016
Journal IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
Print ISSN 0018-9464
Electronic ISSN 1941-0069
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 51
Issue 1
Keywords High Speed Permanent Magnetic Generator, Electromagnetic, Thermal, Fluid, Optimization
Public URL
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Contract Date Aug 30, 2016


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