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Experimental determination of the interaction potential between a helium atom and the interior surface of a C60 fullerene molecule

Bacanu, George Razvan; Jafari, Tanzeeha; Aouane, Mohamed; Rantaharju, Jyrki; Walkey, Mark; Hoffman, Gabriela; Shugai, Anna; Nagel, Urmas; Jiménez-Ruiz, Monica; Horsewill, Anthony J.; Rols, Stéphane; Rõõm, Toomas; Whitby, Richard J.; Levitt, Malcolm H.

Experimental determination of the interaction potential between a helium atom and the interior surface of a C60 fullerene molecule Thumbnail


George Razvan Bacanu

Tanzeeha Jafari

Mohamed Aouane

Jyrki Rantaharju

Mark Walkey

Gabriela Hoffman

Anna Shugai

Urmas Nagel

Monica Jiménez-Ruiz

Anthony J. Horsewill

Stéphane Rols

Toomas Rõõm

Richard J. Whitby

Malcolm H. Levitt


The interactions between atoms and molecules may be described by a potential energy function of the nuclear coordinates. Nonbonded interactions between neutral atoms or molecules are dominated by repulsive forces at a short range and attractive dispersion forces at a medium range. Experimental data on the detailed interaction potentials for nonbonded interatomic and intermolecular forces are scarce. Here, we use terahertz spectroscopy and inelastic neutron scattering to determine the potential energy function for the nonbonded interaction between single He atoms and encapsulating C60 fullerene cages in the helium endofullerenes 3He@C60 and 4He@C60, synthesized by molecular surgery techniques. The experimentally derived potential is compared to estimates from quantum chemistry calculations and from sums of empirical two-body potentials.


Bacanu, G. R., Jafari, T., Aouane, M., Rantaharju, J., Walkey, M., Hoffman, G., Shugai, A., Nagel, U., Jiménez-Ruiz, M., Horsewill, A. J., Rols, S., Rõõm, T., Whitby, R. J., & Levitt, M. H. (2021). Experimental determination of the interaction potential between a helium atom and the interior surface of a C60 fullerene molecule. Journal of Chemical Physics, 155(14), Article 144302.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 17, 2021
Online Publication Date Oct 11, 2021
Publication Date Oct 11, 2021
Deposit Date Dec 20, 2021
Publicly Available Date Dec 20, 2021
Journal Journal of Chemical Physics
Print ISSN 0021-9606
Electronic ISSN 1089-7690
Publisher American Institute of Physics
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 155
Issue 14
Article Number 144302
Keywords Physical and Theoretical Chemistry; General Physics and Astronomy
Public URL
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