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Components, impacts and costs of dementia home support: a research programme including the DESCANT RCT

Clarkson, Paul; Challis, David; Hughes, Jane; Roe, Brenda; Davies, Linda; Russell, Ian; Orrell, Martin; Poland, Fiona; Jolley, David; Kapur, Narinder; Robinson, Catherine; Chester, Helen; Davies, Sue; Sutcliffe, Caroline; Peconi, Julie; Pitts, Rosa; Fegan, Greg; Islam, Saiful; Gillan, Vincent; Entwistle, Charlotte; Beresford, Rebecca; Abendstern, Michele; Giebel, Clarissa; Ahmed, Saima; Jasper, Rowan; Usman, Adeela; Malik, Baber; Hayhurst, Karen

Components, impacts and costs of dementia home support: a research programme including the DESCANT RCT Thumbnail


Paul Clarkson

Jane Hughes

Brenda Roe

Linda Davies

Ian Russell

Fiona Poland

David Jolley

Narinder Kapur

Catherine Robinson

Helen Chester

Sue Davies

Caroline Sutcliffe

Julie Peconi

Rosa Pitts

Greg Fegan

Saiful Islam

Vincent Gillan

Charlotte Entwistle

Rebecca Beresford

Michele Abendstern

Clarissa Giebel

Saima Ahmed

Rowan Jasper

Adeela Usman

Baber Malik

Karen Hayhurst


Clarkson, P., Challis, D., Hughes, J., Roe, B., Davies, L., Russell, I., Orrell, M., Poland, F., Jolley, D., Kapur, N., Robinson, C., Chester, H., Davies, S., Sutcliffe, C., Peconi, J., Pitts, R., Fegan, G., Islam, S., Gillan, V., Entwistle, C., …Hayhurst, K. (2021). Components, impacts and costs of dementia home support: a research programme including the DESCANT RCT. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 9(6), 1-131.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 23, 2021
Publication Date 2021-06
Deposit Date Jun 30, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jun 30, 2021
Journal Programme Grants for Applied Research
Print ISSN 2050-4322
Electronic ISSN 2050-4330
Publisher NIHR Journals Library
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 9
Issue 6
Pages 1-131
Public URL
Publisher URL


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