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Investigation of the effects of thermal annealing on the structural, morphological and optical properties of nanostructured Mn doped ZnO thin films

Lekoui, Fouaz; Amrani, Rachid; Filali, Walid; Garoudja, Elyes; Sebih, Lyes; Bakouk, Imad Eddine; Akkari, Hocine; Hassani, Salim; Saoula, Nadia; Oussalah, Slimane; Albalawi, Hind; Alwadai, Nourah; Henini, Mohamed

Investigation of the effects of thermal annealing on the structural, morphological and optical properties of nanostructured Mn doped ZnO thin films Thumbnail


Fouaz Lekoui

Rachid Amrani

Walid Filali

Elyes Garoudja

Lyes Sebih

Imad Eddine Bakouk

Hocine Akkari

Salim Hassani

Nadia Saoula

Slimane Oussalah

Hind Albalawi

Nourah Alwadai


The control of the optical properties of ZnO nanostructured thin films by using different dopant elements paves the way for the development of potential materials for photonic and optoelectronic applications. In this work manganese (Mn) doped ZnO thin films were fabricated by rapid thermal evaporation method on a glass substrate having the same Mn content level of ~10% and annealed at different temperatures. XRD analysis showed that the annealed layers have hexagonal wurtzite structure, however, the unannealed layers showed only Zn peaks without any preferential direction. The elemental analysis of the films has been investigated by XPS, which revealed the presence of Mn and oxygen atoms for all layers. In addition, it was observed by FIB-SEM that the morphology of thin films changed with the annealing temperature. For an anneal at 500 °C nanoneedles appeared. Raman spectroscopy showed E1 (TO) mode in the sample annealed at 500 °C which was attributed with the formation of nanoneedles structures. The optical transmission of the annealed films was in the range of 75–77% and the optical bandgap varied from 3.97 to 3.72 eV. These variations are related to the structural and morphological changes of the thin films with annealing temperature.


Lekoui, F., Amrani, R., Filali, W., Garoudja, E., Sebih, L., Bakouk, I. E., Akkari, H., Hassani, S., Saoula, N., Oussalah, S., Albalawi, H., Alwadai, N., & Henini, M. (2021). Investigation of the effects of thermal annealing on the structural, morphological and optical properties of nanostructured Mn doped ZnO thin films. Optical Materials, 118, Article 111236.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 17, 2021
Online Publication Date Jun 7, 2021
Publication Date 2021-08
Deposit Date Jun 8, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jun 8, 2022
Journal Optical Materials
Print ISSN 0925-3467
Electronic ISSN 1873-1252
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 118
Article Number 111236
Keywords MZO layers; Rapid thermal evaporation; Annealing temperature; Structural and optical properties; Nanoneedles; PSO algorithm
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