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Comparison of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with yield components in two commercial Dura × Pisifera breeding crosses

Zolkafli, Siti Hazirah; Ngoot-Chin, Ting; Shazana, Nik; Ithnin, Maizura; Mayes, Sean; Massawe, Festo; Sambanthamurthi, Ravigadevi; Ismail, Ismanizan; Abidin, Mohd Isa Zainol; Roow, Siti Habsah; Ping, Lee Yang; Hanafi, Nurul Fatiha Farhana; Singh, Rajinder

Comparison of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with yield components in two commercial Dura × Pisifera breeding crosses Thumbnail


Siti Hazirah Zolkafli

Ting Ngoot-Chin

Nik Shazana

Maizura Ithnin

Festo Massawe

Ravigadevi Sambanthamurthi

Ismanizan Ismail

Mohd Isa Zainol Abidin

Siti Habsah Roow

Lee Yang Ping

Nurul Fatiha Farhana Hanafi

Rajinder Singh


The high yielding tenera is the commercial oil palm planting material of choice in Southeast Asia. Notwithstanding this, there is continuous effort to further improve the yield and one way to do this is by addressing the yield components (YCs ). Using 4,451 SNP and over 600 SSR markers , this study revealed quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with YCs in two breeding populations, a Deli dura x Yangambi pisifera (P2) and a Deli dura x AVROS pisifera (KULIM DxP). Thirteen and 29 QTLs were identified in P2 and KULIM DxP, respectively . They were compared to other YC-linked QTLs reported previously for different genetic backgrounds by mapping the QTL-linked markers to the oil palm genome . The comparison revealedfour common chromosomes containing QTLs influencing various YCs . The results reveal the possible presence of closely linked loci or pleiotropic genes influencing YCs in oil palm. Exploiting the genome data has also facilitated the discovery of candidate genes within or near the QTL regions including those related to glycosylation, fatty acid and oil biosynthesis, and development of flower, seed and fruit .


Zolkafli, S. H., Ngoot-Chin, T., Shazana, N., Ithnin, M., Mayes, S., Massawe, F., Sambanthamurthi, R., Ismail, I., Abidin, M. I. Z., Roow, S. H., Ping, L. Y., Hanafi, N. F. F., & Singh, R. (2021). Comparison of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with yield components in two commercial Dura × Pisifera breeding crosses. Euphytica, 217, Article 104.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 12, 2021
Online Publication Date May 9, 2021
Publication Date May 9, 2021
Deposit Date May 11, 2021
Publicly Available Date May 10, 2022
Journal Euphytica
Print ISSN 0014-2336
Electronic ISSN 1573-5060
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 217
Article Number 104
Public URL
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