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Promoting Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine through the online resource ‘EBVM Learning’: User feedback

Sellers, Ellie; Baillie, Sarah; Dean, Rachel; Warman, Sheena; Janicke, Heidi; Arlt, Sebastian P.; Boulton, Clare; Brennan, Marnie; Brodbelt, David; Brown, Fiona; Buckley, Louise; Du, Myai; Gallop, Emma; Goran, George; Grindlay, Douglas J.C.; Haddock, Laura; Ireland, Joanne; McGowan, Catherine; Moberly, Heather K.; Place, Emma; Rahman, Md Mizanur; Rees, Gwen; Reyher, Kristen; Sanchez, Javier; Schoeman, Johan P.; Urdes, Laura; VanLeeuwen, John; Verheyen, Kristien

Promoting Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine through the online resource ‘EBVM Learning’: User feedback Thumbnail


Ellie Sellers

Sarah Baillie

Rachel Dean

Sheena Warman

Heidi Janicke

Sebastian P. Arlt

Clare Boulton

David Brodbelt

Fiona Brown

Louise Buckley

Myai Du

Emma Gallop

George Goran

Douglas J.C. Grindlay

Laura Haddock

Joanne Ireland

Catherine McGowan

Heather K. Moberly

Emma Place

Md Mizanur Rahman

Gwen Rees

Kristen Reyher

Javier Sanchez

Johan P. Schoeman

Laura Urdes

John VanLeeuwen

Kristien Verheyen


‘EBVM Learning’ is a freely available resource created in 2015 by an international team with the support of RCVS Knowledge. The resource comprises a series of online modules teaching the fundamental concepts of evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM) (Ask, Acquire, Appraise, Apply & Assess) supported by case studies, exercises, worked examples and quizzes. The aim of the current study (undertaken in 2019) was to review ‘EBVM Learning’ to ensure its ongoing relevance and usefulness to the range of learners engaged in EBVM. Feedback was gathered from stakeholder groups using website statistics and feedback forms, a survey and semi-structured interviews to provide a combination of quantitative and qualitative data.

Website statistics revealed an international audience and a steady increase in visitors exceeding 1,000 per month in August 2020. Feedback via the online form (n=35) and survey (n=71) indicated that the resource was well structured, with an appropriate level and amount of content, useful examples and quizzes and the majority of respondents would use it again. Semi-structured interviews of educators (n=5) and veterinarians (n=8) identified three themes: features of the ‘EBVM Learning’ resource (strengths, suggestions for improvement), embedding the resource in education (undergraduate, postgraduate) and promoting EBVM (challenges, motivation for engagement). At a project team workshop the results were used to plan updates to the existing content and to identify new ways to promote learning and engagement. An updated version of ‘EBVM Learning’ was developed.

‘EBVM Learning’ is helping to produce the next generation of evidence-based practitioners and enabling to engage in the concepts of EBVM as part of their clinical practice.


Sellers, E., Baillie, S., Dean, R., Warman, S., Janicke, H., Arlt, S. P., Boulton, C., Brennan, M., Brodbelt, D., Brown, F., Buckley, L., Du, M., Gallop, E., Goran, G., Grindlay, D. J., Haddock, L., Ireland, J., McGowan, C., Moberly, H. K., Place, E., …Verheyen, K. (2021). Promoting Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine through the online resource ‘EBVM Learning’: User feedback. Veterinary Evidence, 6(1), 1-17.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 25, 2021
Online Publication Date Feb 25, 2021
Publication Date Feb 25, 2021
Deposit Date Mar 2, 2021
Publicly Available Date Mar 2, 2021
Journal Veterinary Evidence
Electronic ISSN 2396-9776
Publisher RCVS Knowledge
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 6
Issue 1
Pages 1-17
Public URL
Publisher URL