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Indigenous plants promote insect biodiversity in urban greenspaces

Mata, Luis; Andersen, Alan N.; Mor�n-Ord��ez, Alejandra; Hahs, Amy K.; Ives, Christopher D.; Bickel, Daniel; Duncan, David; Palma, Estibaliz; Thomas, Freya; Cranney, Kate; Walker, Ken; Shears, Ian; Semeraro, Linda; Malipatil, Mallik; Moir, Melinda L; Plein, Michaela; Porch, Nick; Vesk, Peter A.; Smith, Tessa R.; Lynch, Yvonne

Indigenous plants promote insect biodiversity in urban greenspaces Thumbnail


Luis Mata

Alan N. Andersen

Alejandra Mor�n-Ord��ez

Amy K. Hahs

Daniel Bickel

David Duncan

Estibaliz Palma

Freya Thomas

Kate Cranney

Ken Walker

Ian Shears

Linda Semeraro

Mallik Malipatil

Melinda L Moir

Michaela Plein

Nick Porch

Peter A. Vesk

Tessa R. Smith

Yvonne Lynch


The contribution of urban greenspaces to support biodiversity and provide benefits for people is increasingly recognized. However, ongoing management practices favor vegetation oversimplification, often limiting greenspaces to lawns and tree canopy rather than multi-layered vegetation that includes under- and midstorey, and the use of nonnative species. These practices hinder the potential of greenspaces to sustain indigenous biodiversity, particularly for taxa like insects that rely on plants for food and habitat. Yet, little is known about which plant species may maximize positive outcomes for taxonomically and functionally diverse insect communities in greenspaces. Additionally, while cities are expected to experience high rates of introductions, quantitative assessments of the relative occupancy of indigenous vs. introduced insect species in greenspace are rare, hindering understanding of how management may promote indigenous biodiversity while limiting the establishment of introduced insects. Using a hierarchically replicated study design across 15 public parks, we recorded occurrence data from 552 insect species on 133 plant species, differing in planting design element (lawn, midstorey, and tree canopy), midstorey growth form (forbs, lilioids, graminoids, and shrubs) and origin (nonnative, native, and indigenous), to assess (1) the relative contributions of indigenous and introduced insect species and (2) which plant species sustained the highest number of indigenous insects. We found that the insect community was overwhelmingly composed of indigenous rather than introduced species. Our findings further highlight the core role of multi-layered vegetation in sustaining high insect biodiversity in urban areas, with indigenous midstorey and canopy representing key elements to maintain rich and functionally diverse indigenous insect communities. Intriguingly, graminoids supported the highest indigenous insect richness across all studied growth forms by plant origin groups. Our work highlights the opportunity presented by indigenous understory and midstorey plants, particularly indigenous graminoids, in our study area to promote indigenous insect biodiversity in urban greenspaces. Our study provides a blueprint and stimulus for architects, engineers, developers, designers, and planners to incorporate into their practice plant species palettes that foster a larger presence of indigenous over regionally native or nonnative plant species, while incorporating a broader mixture of midstorey growth forms.


Mata, L., Andersen, A. N., Morán-Ordóñez, A., Hahs, A. K., Ives, C. D., Bickel, D., Duncan, D., Palma, E., Thomas, F., Cranney, K., Walker, K., Shears, I., Semeraro, L., Malipatil, M., Moir, M. L., Plein, M., Porch, N., Vesk, P. A., Smith, T. R., & Lynch, Y. (2021). Indigenous plants promote insect biodiversity in urban greenspaces. Ecological Applications, 31(4), Article e02309.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 30, 2020
Online Publication Date Feb 19, 2021
Publication Date Jun 1, 2021
Deposit Date Feb 16, 2021
Publicly Available Date Feb 19, 2021
Journal Ecological Applications
Print ISSN 1051-0761
Electronic ISSN 1939-5582
Publisher Ecological Society of America
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 31
Issue 4
Article Number e02309
Keywords Ecology
Public URL


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