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Engaging the nursing workforce to achieve a culture of excellence: Nottingham Children's Hospital ANCC Pathway to Excellence® Journey

Cronshaw, Andrea; Boddye, Ellen; Reilly, Lesley; Boardman, Rachel; Portas, Lee; Hagan, Janet; Griffiths, Susan; Donovan, Helen; Clark, David; Collins, Lorraine; Lindley, Barbra; Salt, Sophie; Wright, Sophia; Sheahan -Parry, Mags; Jones, Kerry; Sunderland, Mandie; Manning, Joseph C; Marufu, Takawira C


Andrea Cronshaw

Ellen Boddye

Lesley Reilly

Rachel Boardman

Lee Portas

Janet Hagan

Susan Griffiths

Helen Donovan

David Clark

Lorraine Collins

Barbra Lindley

Sophie Salt

Sophia Wright

Mags Sheahan -Parry

Kerry Jones

Mandie Sunderland

Joseph C Manning

Takawira C Marufu


Abstract: High quality nursing care is linked to improved patient experience and outcomes, which is of paramount importance to healthcare delivery, especially in light of the significant local and global challenges. Having workplace environments that nurture a culture of nursing excellence is fundamental to delivering best quality nursing care. The American Nursing Credentialing Centre (ANCC) Pathway to Excellence® programme provides a framework to improve working environments for nurses. This paper narrates the Pathway to Excellence® journey for the first Children’s Hospital to attain this international accreditation in Europe with a focus on staff engagement. Key to success was nursing strategic planning, transformational leadership, and effective staff engagement activities informed by a change model framework.


Cronshaw, A., Boddye, E., Reilly, L., Boardman, R., Portas, L., Hagan, J., Griffiths, S., Donovan, H., Clark, D., Collins, L., Lindley, B., Salt, S., Wright, S., Sheahan -Parry, M., Jones, K., Sunderland, M., Manning, J. C., & Marufu, T. C. Engaging the nursing workforce to achieve a culture of excellence: Nottingham Children's Hospital ANCC Pathway to Excellence® Journey. Manuscript submitted for publication

Journal Article Type Article
Deposit Date Feb 3, 2021
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Public URL