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SPROUTY2 is a β-catenin and FOXO3a target gene indicative of poor prognosis in colon cancer

Ord��ez-Mor�n, P; Irmisch, A; Barb�chano, A; Chicote, I; Tenbaum, S; Landolfi, S; Tabernero, J; Huelsken, J; Mu�oz, A; P�lmer, H G


A Irmisch

A Barb�chano

I Chicote

S Tenbaum

S Landolfi

J Tabernero

J Huelsken

A Mu�oz

H G P�lmer


SPROUTY2 (SPRY2) is an intracellular regulator of receptor tyrosine kinase signaling involved in cell growth, differentiation and tumorigenesis. Here, we show that SPRY2 is a target gene of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway that is abnormally activated in more than 90% of colon carcinomas. In human colon cancer cells, SPRY2 expression is induced by β-catenin in co-operation with the transcription factor FOXO3a instead of lymphoid enhancer factor/T-cell factor proteins. We found binding of β-catenin to the SPRY2 promoter at FOXO3a response elements. In vivo, cells marked by nuclear β-catenin and FOXO3a express SPRY2 in proliferative epithelial tissues, such as intestinal mucosa and epidermis. Consistently, inducible β-catenin deletion in mice reduced Spry2 expression in the small intestine. Moreover, SPRY2 protein expression correlated with nuclear β-catenin and FOXO3a colocalization in human colon carcinomas. Importantly, the amount of SPRY2 protein correlated with shorter overall survival of colon cancer patients. Our data reveal SPRY2 as a novel Wnt/β-catenin and FOXO3a target gene indicative of poor prognosis in colon cancer.


Ordóñez-Morán, P., Irmisch, A., Barbáchano, A., Chicote, I., Tenbaum, S., Landolfi, S., Tabernero, J., Huelsken, J., Muñoz, A., & Pálmer, H. G. (2014). SPROUTY2 is a β-catenin and FOXO3a target gene indicative of poor prognosis in colon cancer. Oncogene, 33(15), 1975-1985.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 4, 2013
Online Publication Date Apr 29, 2013
Publication Date Apr 10, 2014
Deposit Date Jan 13, 2021
Journal Oncogene
Print ISSN 0950-9232
Electronic ISSN 1476-5594
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 33
Issue 15
Pages 1975-1985
Keywords Genetics; Cancer Research; Molecular Biology
Public URL
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