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Liguria: aperture e chiusure di un’isola fra due pianure

Maggi, Roberto; Binder, Didier; Panelli, Chiara; Gabriele, Marzia; Pearce, Mark; Rossi, Stefano; Rowley-Conwy, Peter

Liguria: aperture e chiusure di un’isola fra due pianure Thumbnail


Roberto Maggi

Didier Binder

Chiara Panelli

Marzia Gabriele

Stefano Rossi

Peter Rowley-Conwy


This paper discusses Neolithic and Copper Age Liguria, Braudel’s ‘island’, a mountain chain situated between the Mediterranean and the Po plain. The Neolithic colonisation of western Liguria and the Mediterranean coasts of France happened a short time (as little as one century) after that of southern Italy and before either central Italy, Corsica or Sardinia; excavations at the Arene Candide cave confirm that the initial Neolithic is characterised by Impressa ware, followed by a Cardial phase, and that it is a full Neolithic, complete with cereals and domestic animals. The colonists appear to have chosen an area where later Mesolithic hunter-gatherers are not attested, although they traded for lithic materials with the neighbouring hunter-gatherer populations of eastern Liguria. The importance of the ophiolites of Liguria is indicated by the trade in polished axes as far as Puglia, by inclusions in early Neolithic pottery and by the finding of Hordeum pollen dated 6222-5990 cal BC in a core from the prehistoric lagoon at Sestri Levante. In the Cardial phase, western Liguria became part of a larger cultural area including southern France. In the following centuries, in the context of the middle Neolithic Square-Mouthed Pottery culture, the region took on its historical role as the gateway between the Mediterranean and the Po plain. The later Neolithic Chassey culture, shared with southern France, comprised the development of mountain pastoralism and cheesemaking, which facilitated the exploitation of mountain resources such as copper that began in this period.


Maggi, R., Binder, D., Panelli, C., Gabriele, M., Pearce, M., Rossi, S., & Rowley-Conwy, P. Liguria: aperture e chiusure di un’isola fra due pianure. Presented at LI Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Forlì

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name LI Riunione Scientifica dell’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria
Acceptance Date Feb 18, 2019
Publication Date Oct 23, 2020
Deposit Date Nov 5, 2020
Publicly Available Date Oct 24, 2021
Journal Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche
Print ISSN 0035-6514
Electronic ISSN 2282-457X
Publisher Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostori
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 70
Issue S1
Pages 83-97
Series ISSN 0035-6514
Keywords Mediterranean, Neolithic, colonisation, Impressa, Cardial, SquareMouthed Pottery, pastoralism
Public URL


Maggi Et Al 2020 RScPr 70 S1 83-97 Liguria Aperture E Chiusure Di Un'isola Fra Due Pianure (422 Kb)

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