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Targeted delivery of lopinavir to HIV reservoirs in the mesenteric lymphatic system by lipophilic ester prodrug approach

Qin, Chaolong; Chu, Yenju; Feng, Wanshan; Fromont, Christophe; He, Sijia; Ali, Joseph; Lee, Jong Bong; Zgair, Atheer; Berton, Mattia; Bettonte, Sara; Liu, Ruiling; Yang, Lei; Monmaturapoj, Teerapong; Medrano-Padial, Concepci�n; Alonso, Allen; Ugalde, Rodr�guez; Vetrugno, Daria; Ee, Shi Ying; Sheriston, Charles; Wu, Yuntao; Stocks, Michael J.; Fischer, Peter M.; Gershkovich, Pavel

Targeted delivery of lopinavir to HIV reservoirs in the mesenteric lymphatic system by lipophilic ester prodrug approach Thumbnail


Chaolong Qin

Yenju Chu

Wanshan Feng

Christophe Fromont

Sijia He

Joseph Ali

Jong Bong Lee

Atheer Zgair

Mattia Berton

Sara Bettonte

Ruiling Liu

Lei Yang

Teerapong Monmaturapoj

Concepci�n Medrano-Padial

Allen Alonso

Rodr�guez Ugalde

Daria Vetrugno

Shi Ying Ee

Charles Sheriston

Yuntao Wu

Peter M. Fischer


© 2020 Elsevier B.V. The combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) can efficiently suppress HIV replication, but the cessation of cART usually results in viral rebound, mostly due to the presence of viral reservoirs. The mesenteric lymphatic system, including mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs), is an important viral reservoir into which antiretroviral drugs poorly penetrate. In this work, we proposed a novel lipophilic ester prodrug approach, combined with oral lipid-based formulation, to efficiently deliver lopinavir (LPV) to the mesenteric lymph and MLNs. A series of prodrugs was designed using an in-silico model for prediction of affinity to chylomicrons (CMs), and then synthesized. The potential for mesenteric lymphatic targeting and bioconversion to LPV in physiologically relevant media was assessed in vitro and ex vivo. Subsequently, LPV and selected prodrug candidates were evaluated for their in vivo pharmacokinetics and biodistribution in rats. Oral co-administration of lipids alone could not facilitate the delivery of unmodified LPV to the mesenteric lymphatic system and resulted in undetectable levels of LPV in these tissues. However, a combination of the lipophilic prodrug approach with lipid-based formulation resulted in efficient targeting of LPV to HIV reservoirs in mesenteric lymph and MLNs. The maximum levels of LPV in mesenteric lymph were 1.6- and 16.9-fold higher than protein binding-adjusted IC90 (PA-IC90) of LPV for HIV-1 (140 ng/mL) following oral administration of simple alkyl ester prodrug and activated ester prodrug, respectively. Moreover, the concentrations of LPV in MLNs were 1.1- and 7.2-fold higher than PA-IC90 following administration of simple alkyl ester prodrug and activated ester prodrug, respectively. Furthermore, the bioavailability of LPV was also substantially increased following oral administration of activated ester prodrug compared to unmodified LPV. This approach, especially if can be translated to other antiretroviral drugs, has potential for reducing the size of HIV reservoirs within the mesenteric lymphatic system.


Qin, C., Chu, Y., Feng, W., Fromont, C., He, S., Ali, J., Lee, J. B., Zgair, A., Berton, M., Bettonte, S., Liu, R., Yang, L., Monmaturapoj, T., Medrano-Padial, C., Alonso, A., Ugalde, R., Vetrugno, D., Ee, S. Y., Sheriston, C., Wu, Y., …Gershkovich, P. (2021). Targeted delivery of lopinavir to HIV reservoirs in the mesenteric lymphatic system by lipophilic ester prodrug approach. Journal of Controlled Release, 329, 1077-1089.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 17, 2020
Online Publication Date Oct 20, 2020
Publication Date Jan 10, 2021
Deposit Date Oct 18, 2020
Publicly Available Date Oct 21, 2021
Journal Journal of Controlled Release
Electronic ISSN 1873-4995
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 329
Pages 1077-1089
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information JCR-D-20-01340R2


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