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Exogenous cognition and cognitive state theory: The plexus of consumer analytics and decision-making

Smith, Andrew; Harvey, John; Goulding, James; Smith, Gavin; Sparks, Leigh

Exogenous cognition and cognitive state theory: The plexus of consumer analytics and decision-making Thumbnail


Leigh Sparks


We develop the concept of exogenous cognition (ExC) as a specific manifestation of an external cognitive system (ECS). Exogenous cognition describes the technological and algorithmic extension of (and annexation of) cognition in a consumption context. ExC provides a framework to enhance understanding of the impact of pervasive computing and smart technology on consumer decision-making and the behavioural impacts of consumer analytics. To this end, the paper provides commentary and structures to outline the impact of ExC and to elaborate the definition and reach of ExC. The logic of ExC culminates in a theory of cognitive states comprising of three potential decision states; endogenous cognition (EnC), symbiotic cognition (SymC) and surrogate cognition (SurC). These states are posited as transient (consumers might move between them during a purchase episode) and determined by individual propensities and situational antecedents. The paper latterly provides various potential empirical avenues and issues for consideration and debate.


Smith, A., Harvey, J., Goulding, J., Smith, G., & Sparks, L. (2020). Exogenous cognition and cognitive state theory: The plexus of consumer analytics and decision-making. Marketing Theory, 21(1), 53-74.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 9, 2020
Online Publication Date Oct 16, 2020
Publication Date Oct 16, 2020
Deposit Date Oct 14, 2020
Publicly Available Date Oct 16, 2020
Journal Marketing Theory
Print ISSN 1470-5931
Electronic ISSN 1741-301X
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 21
Issue 1
Pages 53-74
Keywords Consumer; Decision-making; Exogenous Cognition; Analytics; Marketing; Big Data; Algorithmic Acknowledgements:
Public URL
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