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Exploring Problem State Transformations to Enhance Hyper-heuristics for the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem

Garza-Santisteban, Fernando; Amaya, Ivan; Cruz-Duarte, Jorge; Ortiz-Bayliss, Jose Carlos; Ozcan, Ender; Terashima-Marin, Hugo


Fernando Garza-Santisteban

Ivan Amaya

Jorge Cruz-Duarte

Jose Carlos Ortiz-Bayliss

Hugo Terashima-Marin


This study presents an offline learning Simulated Annealing approach to generate a constructive hyper-heuristic evaluated through training and testing on a set of instances for solving the Job-Shop Scheduling problem. The generated hyperheuristic uses a range of state features to control a set of low-level constructive heuristics. A hyper-heuristic is represented in terms of a set of rules, where each rule contains a fixed set of values for the features in consideration and the low level heuristic to be invoked. At each constructive step, the 'closest' rule is selected and then the corresponding constructive low level heuristic is applied. Our distance metric is the Euclidean distance between the values within the rule and the state features characterising the partial schedule along with the remaining jobs to be scheduled for the partial solution. In this paper, we study a set of features computed with various well-known metrics and different feature transformation methods for improving the characterization of the problem instances and solutions to Job-Shop Scheduling as a part of our approach. Eight different scenarios are evaluated on a set of randomly generated problem instances. Each scenario represents a distinct approach combining a different feature transformation applied during the training and testing phases. The empirical results show that transformations can improve the spread of feature values and the choice of the transformation methods is influential on the performance of the overall approach. A particular choice generates a slightly better performance when compared to the standard approach, which uses the original features at all times, indicating the potential of the proposed approach for the future studies.


Garza-Santisteban, F., Amaya, I., Cruz-Duarte, J., Ortiz-Bayliss, J. C., Ozcan, E., & Terashima-Marin, H. (2020, July). Exploring Problem State Transformations to Enhance Hyper-heuristics for the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem. Presented at 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Glasgow, United Kingdom

Presentation Conference Type Edited Proceedings
Conference Name 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)
Start Date Jul 19, 2020
End Date Jul 24, 2020
Acceptance Date Mar 20, 2020
Online Publication Date Sep 3, 2020
Publication Date Jul 1, 2020
Deposit Date Dec 2, 2021
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Pages 1-8
Book Title 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)
ISBN 978-1-7281-6930-9
Public URL
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