Geraint Parry
Current status of the multinational Arabidopsis community
Parry, Geraint; Provart, Nicholas J.; Brady, Siobhan M.; Uzilday, Baris; Adams, Keith; Ara?jo, Wagner; Aubourg, S?bastien; Baginsky, Sacha; Bakker, Erica; B?renfaller, Katja; Batley, Jacqui; Beale, Mike; Beilstein, Mark; Belkhadir, Youssef; Mendel, Gregor; Berardini, Tanya; Bergelson, Joy; Blanco?Herrera, Francisca; Brady, Siobhan; Braun, Hans?Peter; Briggs, Steve; Brownfield, Lynette; Cardarelli, Maura; Castellanos-Uribe, Marcos; Coruzzi, Gloria; Dassanayake, Maheshi; De Jaeger, Geert; Dilkes, Brian; Doherty, Colleen; Ecker, Joe; Edger, Pat; Edwards, David; El Kasmi, Farid; Eriksson, Maria; Exposito?Alonso, Moises; Falter?Braun, Pascal; Fernie, Alisdair; Ferro, Myriam; Fiehn, Oliver; Friesner, Joanna; Greenham, Katie; Guo, Yalong; Hamann, Thorsten; Hancock, Angela; Hauser, Marie?Theres; Heazlewood, Joshua; Ho, Cheng?Hsun; H?rak, Hanna; Huala, Eva; Hwang, Inhwan; Iuchi, Satoshi; Jaiswal, Pankaj; Jakobson, Liina; Jiang, Yunhe; Jiao, Yuling; Jones, Alexandra; Kadota, Yasuhiro; Khurana, J...
Nicholas J. Provart
Siobhan M. Brady
Baris Uzilday
Keith Adams
Wagner Ara�jo
S�bastien Aubourg
Sacha Baginsky
Erica Bakker
Katja B�renfaller
Jacqui Batley
Mike Beale
Mark Beilstein
Youssef Belkhadir
Gregor Mendel
Tanya Berardini
Joy Bergelson
Francisca Blanco?Herrera
Siobhan Brady
Hans?Peter Braun
Steve Briggs
Lynette Brownfield
Maura Cardarelli
Marcos Castellanos-Uribe
Gloria Coruzzi
Maheshi Dassanayake
Geert De Jaeger
Brian Dilkes
Colleen Doherty
Joe Ecker
Pat Edger
David Edwards
Farid El Kasmi
Maria Eriksson
Moises Exposito?Alonso
Pascal Falter?Braun
Alisdair Fernie
Myriam Ferro
Oliver Fiehn
Joanna Friesner
Katie Greenham
Yalong Guo
Thorsten Hamann
Angela Hancock
Marie?Theres Hauser
Joshua Heazlewood
Cheng?Hsun Ho
Hanna H�rak
Eva Huala
Inhwan Hwang
Satoshi Iuchi
Pankaj Jaiswal
Liina Jakobson
Yunhe Jiang
Yuling Jiao
Alexandra Jones
Yasuhiro Kadota
Jitendra Khurana
Dan Kliebenstein
Emma Knee
Masatomo Kobayashi
Marcus Koch
Gabriel Krouk
Tony Larson
Rob Last
Lo�c Lepiniec
Song Li
Claire Lurin
Martin Lysak
Steven Maere
Robert Malinowski
Florian Maumus
Klaus Mayer
David Mendoza?Cozatl
Isabel Mendoza?Poudereux
Jos� Luis Micol
Harvey Millar
Hans?Peter Mock
Karolina Mukhtar
Shahid Mukhtar
Monika Murcha
Hirofumi Nakagami
Yasukazu Nakamura
Luke Nicolov
Basil Nikolau
Moritz Nowack
Adriano Nunes?Nesi
Michael Palmgren
Geraint Parry
Nicola Patron
Scott Peck
Ullas Pedmale
Catherine Perrot?Rechenmann
Roland Pieruschka
Jos� P�o?Beltr�n
J. Chris Pires
Nicholas Provart
Lo�c Rajjou
Leonore Reiser
Sue Rhee
Stamatis Rigas
Norbert Rolland
Andres Romanowski
Sigal Savaldi?Goldstein
Robert Schmitz
Waltraud Schulze
Motoaki Seki
Kentaro K. Shimizu
Keith Slotkin
Ian Small
David Somers
Rosangela Sozzani
Charles Spillane
Ramamurthy Srinivasan
Nicolas Taylor
Marcela?Karey Tello?Ruiz
Jay Thelen
Takayuki Tohge
Christopher Town
Tetsuro Toyoda
Baris Uzilday
Justin Walley
Doreen Ware
Wolfram Weckwerth
Julian Whitelegge
Stefanie Wienkoop
Clay Wright
Michael Wrzaczek
Misako Yamazaki
Marcelo Yanovsky
Viktor ��rsk�
Xuehua Zhong
Yves Peer
Klaas Wijk
Philipp Gillhaussen
The Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee
© 2020 The Authors. Plant Direct published by American Society of Plant Biologists and the Society for Experimental Biology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd The multinational Arabidopsis research community is highly collaborative and over the past thirty years these activities have been documented by the Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee (MASC). Here, we (a) highlight recent research advances made with the reference plant Arabidopsis thaliana; (b) provide summaries from recent reports submitted by MASC subcommittees, projects and resources associated with MASC and from MASC country representatives; and (c) initiate a call for ideas and foci for the “fourth decadal roadmap,” which will advise and coordinate the global activities of the Arabidopsis research community.
Parry, G., Provart, N. J., Brady, S. M., Uzilday, B., Adams, K., Araújo, W., Aubourg, S., Baginsky, S., Bakker, E., Bärenfaller, K., Batley, J., Beale, M., Beilstein, M., Belkhadir, Y., Mendel, G., Berardini, T., Bergelson, J., Blanco‐Herrera, F., Brady, S., Braun, H., …The Multinational Arabidopsis Steering Committee. (2020). Current status of the multinational Arabidopsis community. Plant Direct, 4(7),
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Jul 6, 2020 |
Online Publication Date | Aug 2, 2020 |
Publication Date | Jul 1, 2020 |
Deposit Date | Sep 11, 2020 |
Publicly Available Date | Sep 11, 2020 |
Journal | Plant Direct |
Electronic ISSN | 2475-4455 |
Publisher | Wiley |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 4 |
Issue | 7 |
DOI | |
Keywords | Arabidopsis thaliana; collaboration; Research Network; roadmap |
Public URL | |
Publisher URL | |
Additional Information | Parry, G., Provart, N. J., Brady, S. M., Uzilday, B., Adams, K., Araújo, W., Aubourg, S., Baginsky, S., Bakker, E., Bärenfaller, K., Batley, J., Beale, M., Beilstein, M., Belkhadir, Y., Mendel, G., Berardini, T., Bergelson, J., Blanco‐Herrera, F., … Brady, S. (2020). Current status of the multinational Arabidopsis community. Plant Direct, 4(7). |
Current status of the multinational Arabidopsis community
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