Susan McCouch
Mobilizing Crop Biodiversity
McCouch, Susan; Navabi, Katy; Abberton, Michael; Anglin, Noelle L.; Barbieri, Rosa Lia; Baum, Michael; Bett, Kirsten; Booker, Helen; Brown, Gerald L.; Bryan, Glenn J.; Cattivelli, Luigi; Charest, David; Eversole, Kellye; Freitas, Marcelo; Ghamkhar, Kioumars; Grattapaglia, Dario; Henry, Robert; Valadares Inglis, Maria Cleria; Islam, Tofazzal; Kehel, Zakaria; Kersey, Paul J.; Kresovich, Stephen; Marden, Emily; Mayes, Sean; Ndjiondjop, Marie Noelle; Nguyen, Henry T.; Paiva, Samuel; Papa, Roberto; Phillips, Peter W.B.; Rasheed, Awais; Richards, Christopher; Rouard, Mathieu; Amstalden Sampaio, Maria Jose; Scholz, Uwe; Shaw, Paul D.; Sherman, Brad; Staton, S. Evan; Stein, Nils; Svensson, Jan; Tester, Mark; Montenegro Valls, Jose Francisco; Varshney, Rajeev; Visscher, Stephen; von Wettberg, Eric; Waugh, Robbie; Wenzl, Peter W.B.; Rieseberg, Loren H.
Katy Navabi
Michael Abberton
Noelle L. Anglin
Rosa Lia Barbieri
Michael Baum
Kirsten Bett
Helen Booker
Gerald L. Brown
Glenn J. Bryan
Luigi Cattivelli
David Charest
Kellye Eversole
Marcelo Freitas
Kioumars Ghamkhar
Dario Grattapaglia
Robert Henry
Maria Cleria Valadares Inglis
Tofazzal Islam
Zakaria Kehel
Paul J. Kersey
Stephen Kresovich
Emily Marden
Marie Noelle Ndjiondjop
Henry T. Nguyen
Samuel Paiva
Roberto Papa
Peter W.B. Phillips
Awais Rasheed
Christopher Richards
Mathieu Rouard
Maria Jose Amstalden Sampaio
Uwe Scholz
Paul D. Shaw
Brad Sherman
S. Evan Staton
Nils Stein
Jan Svensson
Mark Tester
Jose Francisco Montenegro Valls
Rajeev Varshney
Stephen Visscher
Eric von Wettberg
Robbie Waugh
Peter W.B. Wenzl
Loren H. Rieseberg
Over the past 70 years, the world has witnessed extraordinary growth in crop productivity, enabled by a suite of technological advances, including higher yielding crop varieties, improved farm management, synthetic agrochemicals, and agricultural mechanization. While this “Green Revolution” intensified crop production, and is credited with reducing famine and malnutrition, its benefits were accompanied by several undesirable collateral effects (Pingali, 2012). These include a narrowing of agricultural biodiversity, stemming from increased monoculture and greater reliance on a smaller number of crops and crop varieties for the majority of our calories. This reduction in diversity has created vulnerabilities to pest and disease epidemics, climate variation, and ultimately to human health (Harlan, 1972).
The value of crop diversity has long been recognized (Vavilov, 1992). A global system of genebanks (e.g., was established in the 1970s to conserve the abundant genetic variation found in traditional “landrace” varieties of crops and in crop wild relatives (Harlan, 1972). While preserving crop variation is a critical first step, the time has come to make use of this variation to breed more resilient crops. The DivSeek International Network ( is a scientific, not-for-profit organization that aims to accelerate such efforts.
McCouch, S., Navabi, K., Abberton, M., Anglin, N. L., Barbieri, R. L., Baum, M., Bett, K., Booker, H., Brown, G. L., Bryan, G. J., Cattivelli, L., Charest, D., Eversole, K., Freitas, M., Ghamkhar, K., Grattapaglia, D., Henry, R., Valadares Inglis, M. C., Islam, T., Kehel, Z., …Rieseberg, L. H. (2020). Mobilizing Crop Biodiversity. Molecular Plant, 13(10), 1341-1344.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Aug 19, 2020 |
Online Publication Date | Aug 21, 2020 |
Publication Date | Oct 5, 2020 |
Deposit Date | Aug 26, 2020 |
Journal | Molecular Plant |
Print ISSN | 1674-2052 |
Electronic ISSN | 1752-9867 |
Publisher | Oxford University Press |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 13 |
Issue | 10 |
Pages | 1341-1344 |
DOI | |
Keywords | Plant Science; Molecular Biology |
Public URL | |
Publisher URL | |
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