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Practical paths towards quantifying and mitigating agricultural methane emissions

Nisbet, Euan G.; Manning, Martin R.; Lowry, David; Fisher, Rebecca E.; Lan, Xin (Lindsay); Michel, Sylvia E.; France, James L.; Nisbet, R. Ellen R.; Bakkaloglu, Semra; Leitner, Sonja M.; Brooke, Charles; Röckmann, Thomas; Allen, Grant; Denier van der Gon, Hugo A. C.; Merbold, Lutz; Scheutz, Charlotte; Woolley Maisch, Ceres; Nisbet-Jones, Peter B. R.; Alshalan, Aliah; Fernandez, Julianne M.; Dlugokencky, Edward J.

Practical paths towards quantifying and mitigating agricultural methane emissions Thumbnail


Euan G. Nisbet

Martin R. Manning

David Lowry

Rebecca E. Fisher

Xin (Lindsay) Lan

Sylvia E. Michel

James L. France

Semra Bakkaloglu

Sonja M. Leitner

Charles Brooke

Thomas Röckmann

Grant Allen

Hugo A. C. Denier van der Gon

Lutz Merbold

Charlotte Scheutz

Ceres Woolley Maisch

Peter B. R. Nisbet-Jones

Aliah Alshalan

Julianne M. Fernandez

Edward J. Dlugokencky


This review summarizes the rapid advances in direct practical methods to quantify and reduce agricultural methane emissions worldwide. Major tasks are location, identification, quantification and distinction between different specific sources (often multiple emitters such as manure pools, animal housing, biodigesters and landfills are co-located). Emission reduction, facilitated by developing methodologies for locating hot spots, is the least-cost choice for action, especially from manure stores, biodigesters and from controlling biomass burning. Agricultural methane can also be used to generate electricity or, in appropriate circumstances, can be destroyed by oxidation. It may be possible to cut North American, East Asian and European emissions sharply and rapidly. In Africa and South Asia, emissions from crop waste and food waste in landfills, also a source of air pollution, can be sharply and quickly reduced. Globally, cutting total annual agricultural and waste emissions by a third would demand reductions of very approximately 75 Tg yr−1. Apportioned by source type, notional cuts might be 30–40 Tg yr−1 from livestock and manure, 5-10 Tg yr−1 from rice cultivation and 20 Tg yr−1 or more from specifically agricultural waste.


Nisbet, E. G., Manning, M. R., Lowry, D., Fisher, R. E., Lan, X. (., Michel, S. E., France, J. L., Nisbet, R. E. R., Bakkaloglu, S., Leitner, S. M., Brooke, C., Röckmann, T., Allen, G., Denier van der Gon, H. A. C., Merbold, L., Scheutz, C., Woolley Maisch, C., Nisbet-Jones, P. B. R., Alshalan, A., Fernandez, J. M., & Dlugokencky, E. J. (2025). Practical paths towards quantifying and mitigating agricultural methane emissions. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 481, Article 20240390.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 14, 2025
Online Publication Date Mar 5, 2025
Publication Date 2025-03
Deposit Date Mar 6, 2025
Publicly Available Date Mar 6, 2025
Journal Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Print ISSN 1364-5021
Electronic ISSN 1471-2946
Publisher The Royal Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 481
Article Number 20240390
Keywords methane mitigation, agriculture, manure, atmospheric methane, ruminant emissions, greenhouse gasses (methane, N2O)
Public URL
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SDG 2 - Zero Hunger

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

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SDG 15 - Life on Land

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