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Priorities for service improvement in personality disorder in Australia: Perspectives of consumers, carers and clinicians

Ng, Fiona; Townsend, Michelle L; Jewell, Mahlie; Marceau, Ely M.; Grenyer, Brin F.S.

Priorities for service improvement in personality disorder in Australia: Perspectives of consumers, carers and clinicians Thumbnail


Profile image of FIONA NG

Principal Research Fellow

Michelle L Townsend

Mahlie Jewell

Ely M. Marceau

Brin F.S. Grenyer


Background: Improvements to service provision for personality disorder has been predominately explored through the perspectives of clinicians, with limited understanding of the views of consumers and carers. The aim of the present study was to understand the priorities for service improvement through multiple perspectives.

Method: Twelve roundtables, with a total of 53 consumers, clinicians, and carers, discussed how organisations could improve service provision for people with personality disorder and completed a questionnaire on current and optimal service provision. Inductive thematic analysis was used to identify the priorities for service improvement and we aimed to identify differences between what participants currently receive and what they believe to be optimal.

Results: Four priorities were identified: 1) increasing consumer, carer and peer involvement in care, 2) re-orienting approaches to service provision, 3) improving access and accessibility of treatment, and 4) building the capacity of services. Participants were more likely to receive individual or group treatment alone, yet believed combined individual and group treatment to be optimal. Significantly more participants believed that long-term treatment was optimal.

Conclusion: A shift in focus from establishing a consistent approach to servicing, to focusing on holistic care which involves consumers and carers in care is required.


Ng, F., Townsend, M. L., Jewell, M., Marceau, E. M., & Grenyer, B. F. (2020). Priorities for service improvement in personality disorder in Australia: Perspectives of consumers, carers and clinicians. Personality and Mental Health, 14(4), 350-360.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 13, 2020
Online Publication Date Jun 8, 2020
Publication Date 2020-11
Deposit Date May 18, 2020
Publicly Available Date Jun 9, 2021
Journal Personality and Mental Health
Print ISSN 1932-8621
Electronic ISSN 1932-863X
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 14
Issue 4
Pages 350-360
Keywords Health Policy; Phychiatric Mental Health; Psychiatry and Mental health
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Ng, F., Townsend, M. L., Jewell, M., Marceau, E. M., & Grenyer, B. F. S. (2020). Priorities for service improvement in personality disorder in Australia: Perspectives of consumers, carers and clinicians. Personality and Mental Health., which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.


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