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Numerical study of the impact of different cooling arrangements on a high length/diameter ratio motor for electric commercial vehicle

La Rocca, Salvatore; La Rocca, Antonino; Walker, Adam; Vakil, Gaurang; Gerada, David; Al-Ani, Mahir; Zou, Tianjie; Ramanathan, Ramkumar; Gerada, Chris; McQueen, Alastair; Paciura, Krzysztof

Numerical study of the impact of different cooling arrangements on a high length/diameter ratio motor for electric commercial vehicle Thumbnail


Antonino La Rocca

Mahir Al-Ani

Ramkumar Ramanathan

Alastair McQueen

Krzysztof Paciura


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was used to carry out a fluid flow and thermal investigation of a high power dense traction machine for electric commercial vehicle. One of the features of the machine design considered is the high Length/Diameter (L/D) ratio; this can represent a further challenge when performing the thermal design; indeed the heat dissipation from the stator core can represent an issue. The aim of this work is to identify an effective cooling configuration capable of enhancing the cooling of the stator and maintaining the operating temperature of the whole machine within the allowable limits. In this paper CFD analyses were therefore used to assess the thermal capability of several cooling arrangements; numerical results of each case are presented and compared. In particular an alternative cooling option, consisting in the implementation of heat pipes between the machine's stator teeth, was considered. Due to their simple structure and high heat transfer coefficients, heat pipes are not invasive but at the same time can dissipate large amount of heat. CFD results show how a significant temperature drop of the machine's core can be achieved.


La Rocca, S., La Rocca, A., Walker, A., Vakil, G., Gerada, D., Al-Ani, M., Zou, T., Ramanathan, R., Gerada, C., McQueen, A., & Paciura, K. (2019, October). Numerical study of the impact of different cooling arrangements on a high length/diameter ratio motor for electric commercial vehicle. Presented at International Conference on Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems (ICOECS 2019), Ufa, Russia

Presentation Conference Type Edited Proceedings
Conference Name International Conference on Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems (ICOECS 2019)
Start Date Oct 21, 2019
End Date Oct 25, 2019
Acceptance Date Jul 22, 2019
Online Publication Date Jan 6, 2020
Publication Date 2019-10
Deposit Date Mar 26, 2020
Publicly Available Date Mar 30, 2020
Pages 1-5
Book Title Proceedings: 2019 International Conference on Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems (ICOECS)
ISBN 978-1-7281-1729-4
Public URL
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