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Recommendations from the ERAS® Society for standards for the development of enhanced recovery after surgery guidelines

Brindle, M.; Nelson, G.; Lobo, D. N.; Ljungqvist, O.; Gustafsson, U. O.

Recommendations from the ERAS® Society for standards for the development of enhanced recovery after surgery guidelines Thumbnail


M. Brindle

G. Nelson

O. Ljungqvist

U. O. Gustafsson


Alex Herring

Natalie Horsepool


ERAS® Society guidelines are holistic, multidisciplinary tools designed to improve outcomes after surgery. The enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) approach was initially developed for colorectal surgery and has been implemented successfully across a large number of settings, resulting in improved patient outcomes. As the ERAS approach is increasingly being adopted worldwide and new guidelines are being generated for new populations, there is a need to define an ERAS® Society guideline and the methodology that should be followed in its development.

The ERAS® Society recommended approach for developing new guidelines is based on the creation of multidisciplinary guideline development groups responsible for defining topics, planning the literature search, and assessing the quality of the evidence.

Clear definitions for the elements of an ERAS guideline involve multimodal and multidisciplinary approaches impacting on multiple patient outcomes. Recommended methodology for guideline development follows a rigorous approach with systematic identification and evaluation of evidence, and consensus‐based development of recommendations. Guidelines should then be evaluated and reviewed regularly to ensure that the best and most up‐to‐date evidence is used consistently to support surgical patients.

There is a need for a standardized, evidence‐informed approach to both the development of new ERAS® Society guidelines, and the adaptation and revision of existing guidelines.


Brindle, M., Nelson, G., Lobo, D. N., Ljungqvist, O., & Gustafsson, U. O. (2020). Recommendations from the ERAS® Society for standards for the development of enhanced recovery after surgery guidelines. BJS Open, 4(1), 157-163.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 19, 2019
Online Publication Date Dec 2, 2019
Publication Date 2020-02
Deposit Date Dec 13, 2019
Publicly Available Date Dec 13, 2019
Journal BJS Open
Electronic ISSN 2474-9842
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 4
Issue 1
Pages 157-163
Public URL
Publisher URL


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