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Enchantment - Disenchantment-Re-Enchantment: Postdigital Relationships between Science, Philosophy, and Religion

Reader, John; Jandrić, Petar; Peters, Michael A.; Barnett, Ronald; Garbowski, Marcin; Lipińska, Veronika; Rider, Sharon; Bhatt, Ibrar; Clarke, Abdassamad; Hashemi, Morteza; Bevan, Andrew; Trozzo, Eric; MacKenzie, Alison; Aldern, Jared J.; Matias, Cheryl E.; Tuari Stewart, Georgina; Mika, Carl; McLaren, Peter; Fawns, Tim; Knox, Jeremy; Savin-Baden, Maggi; Jackson, Liz; Hood, Nina; Tesar, Marek; Fuller, Steve; Baker, Chris


John Reader

Petar Jandrić

Michael A. Peters

Ronald Barnett

Marcin Garbowski

Veronika Lipińska

Sharon Rider

Ibrar Bhatt

Abdassamad Clarke

Andrew Bevan

Eric Trozzo

Alison MacKenzie

Jared J. Aldern

Cheryl E. Matias

Georgina Tuari Stewart

Carl Mika

Peter McLaren

Tim Fawns

Jeremy Knox

Maggi Savin-Baden

Liz Jackson

Nina Hood

Marek Tesar

Steve Fuller

Chris Baker


This collectively written article explores postdigital relationships between science, philosophy, and religion within the continuum of enchantment, disenchantment, and re-enchantment. Contributions are broadly classified within four sections related to academic fields of philosophy, theology, critical theory, and postdigital studies. The article reveals complex and nuanced relationships between various disciplinary perspectives, religions, and political positions, and points towards lot of commonalities between their views to the enchantment, disenchantment, re-enchantment continuum. Some commonly discussed questions include: Where do the mythical, mystical and spiritual end and the rational, objective and empirical begin? How do we find our bearings in the midst of this complexity and where do we search for resources that are trustworthy and reliable? While the article inevitably offers more questions than answers, a common thread between all contributions is the need for an open postdigital dialogue conducted in the spirit of mutual understanding and respect. It is with this conclusion that the article offers a possible route for further development of such dialogue in the future.


Reader, J., Jandrić, P., Peters, M. A., Barnett, R., Garbowski, M., Lipińska, V., Rider, S., Bhatt, I., Clarke, A., Hashemi, M., Bevan, A., Trozzo, E., MacKenzie, A., Aldern, J. J., Matias, C. E., Tuari Stewart, G., Mika, C., McLaren, P., Fawns, T., Knox, J., …Baker, C. (2021). Enchantment - Disenchantment-Re-Enchantment: Postdigital Relationships between Science, Philosophy, and Religion. Postdigital Science and Education, 3, 934–965.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 6, 2020
Online Publication Date Jul 6, 2020
Publication Date 2021-10
Deposit Date May 5, 2024
Journal Postdigital Science and Education
Print ISSN 2524-485X
Publisher Springer
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 3
Pages 934–965
Public URL
Publisher URL