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Pravastatin for early‐onset preeclampsia: a randomized, blinded, placebo‐controlled trial

Ahmed, Asif; Williams, David J.; Cheed, Versha; Middleton, Lee J.; Ahmad, Shakil; Wang, Keqing; Vince, Alex T.; Hewett, Peter; Spencer, Kevin; Khan, Khalid S.; Daniels, Jane P.; StAmP trial collaborative group

Pravastatin for early‐onset preeclampsia: a randomized, blinded, placebo‐controlled trial Thumbnail


Asif Ahmed

David J. Williams

Versha Cheed

Lee J. Middleton

Shakil Ahmad

Keqing Wang

Alex T. Vince

Peter Hewett

Kevin Spencer

Khalid S. Khan

StAmP trial collaborative group


Women with preeclampsia have elevated circulating levels of soluble fms‐like tyrosine kinase‐1 (sFlt‐1). Statins can reduce sFlt‐1 from cultured cells and improve pregnancy outcome in animals with a preeclampsia‐like syndrome. We investigated the effect of pravastatin on plasma sFlt‐1 levels during preeclampsia.

Blinded (clinician and participant), proof of principle, placebo‐controlled trial

15 UK maternity units.

We used a minimization algorithm to assign 62 women with early‐onset preeclampsia (24+0 ‐ 31+6 weeks' gestation) to receive pravastatin 40mg daily (n=30) or matched placebo (n=32), from randomization to childbirth.

Primary outcome
Difference in mean plasma sFlt‐1 levels over the first three days following randomization.

The difference in the mean maternal plasma sFlt‐1 levels over the first three days after randomisation between the pravastatin (n=27) and placebo (n=29) groups was 292pg/mL (95%CI: ‐1175‐ 592; p=0.5), and over days 1‐14 was 48pg/ml (95% CI ‐1009 to 913; p=0.9). Women who received pravastatin had a similar length of pregnancy following randomization compared with those who received placebo (Hazard ratio 0.84; 95%CI: 0.50‐1.40; p=0.6). The median time from randomization to childbirth was 9 days (IQR 5‐14 days) for the pravastatin group and 7 days (IQR 4‐11 days) for the placebo group. There were 3 perinatal deaths in the placebo‐treated group and no deaths or serious adverse events attributable to pravastatin.

We found no evidence that pravastatin lowered maternal plasma sFlt‐1 levels once early onset preeclampsia had developed. Pravastatin appears to have no adverse perinatal effects.


Ahmed, A., Williams, D. J., Cheed, V., Middleton, L. J., Ahmad, S., Wang, K., Vince, A. T., Hewett, P., Spencer, K., Khan, K. S., Daniels, J. P., & StAmP trial collaborative group. (2020). Pravastatin for early‐onset preeclampsia: a randomized, blinded, placebo‐controlled trial. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 127(4), 478-488.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 4, 2019
Online Publication Date Nov 12, 2019
Publication Date Mar 1, 2020
Deposit Date Nov 19, 2019
Publicly Available Date Nov 13, 2020
Journal BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Print ISSN 1470-0328
Electronic ISSN 1471-0528
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 127
Issue 4
Pages 478-488
Keywords Anti-angiogenic factor, Double-blind, Perinatal mortality, Placebo-controlled, Pravastatin, Pre-eclampsia, Randomized trial, Statin
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Ahmed, A, Williams, DJ, Cheed, V, Middleton, LJ, Ahmad, S, Wang, K, Vince, AT, Hewett, P, Spencer, K, Khan, KS, Daniels, JP, for the StAmP trial Collaborative Group. Pravastatin for early‐onset pre‐eclampsia: a randomised, blinded, placebo‐controlled trial. BJOG 2020; 127: 478– 488. , which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
Contract Date Nov 19, 2019


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