Caoimhin Mac Giolla Phadraig
Behaviour support in dentistry: A Delphi study to agree terminology in behaviour management
Mac Giolla Phadraig, Caoimhin; Healy, Olive; Fisal, Aisyah Ahmad; Yarascavitch, Carilynne; van Harten, Maria; Nunn, June; Newton, Tim; Sturmey, Peter; Asimakopoulou, Koula; Daly, Blánaid; Hosey, Marie Therese; Kammer, Pedro Vitali; Dougall, Alison; Geddis‐Regan, Andrew; Pradhan, Archana; Setiawan, Arlette Suzy; Kerr, Bryan; Friedman, Clive S.; Cornelius, Bryant W.; Stirling, Christopher; Hamzah, Siti Zaleha; Decloux, Derek; Molina, Gustavo; Klingberg, Gunilla; Ayup, Hani; Buchanan, Heather; Anjou, Helena; Maura, Isabel; Bernal Fernandez, Ilidia Reyes; Limeres Posse, Jacobo; Hare, Jennifer; Francis, Jessica; Norderyd, Johanna; Rohani, Maryani Mohamed; Prabhu, Neeta; Ashley, Paul F.; Marques, Paula Faria; Chopra, Shalini; Pani, Sharat Chandra; Krämer, Susanne
Olive Healy
Aisyah Ahmad Fisal
Carilynne Yarascavitch
Maria van Harten
June Nunn
Tim Newton
Peter Sturmey
Koula Asimakopoulou
Blánaid Daly
Marie Therese Hosey
Pedro Vitali Kammer
Alison Dougall
Andrew Geddis‐Regan
Archana Pradhan
Arlette Suzy Setiawan
Bryan Kerr
Clive S. Friedman
Bryant W. Cornelius
Christopher Stirling
Siti Zaleha Hamzah
Derek Decloux
Gustavo Molina
Gunilla Klingberg
Hani Ayup
Dr Heather Buchanan
Helena Anjou
Isabel Maura
Ilidia Reyes Bernal Fernandez
Jacobo Limeres Posse
Jennifer Hare
Jessica Francis
Johanna Norderyd
Maryani Mohamed Rohani
Neeta Prabhu
Paul F. Ashley
Paula Faria Marques
Shalini Chopra
Sharat Chandra Pani
Susanne Krämer
Objectives: Dental behaviour support (DBS) describes all specific techniques practiced to support patients in their experience of professional oral healthcare. DBS is roughly synonymous with behaviour management, which is an outdated concept. There is no agreed terminology to specify the techniques used to support patients who receive dental care. This lack of specificity may lead to imprecision in describing, understanding, teaching, evaluating and implementing behaviour support techniques in dentistry. Therefore, this e‐Delphi study aimed to develop a list of agreed labels and descriptions of DBS techniques used in dentistry and sort them according to underlying principles of behaviour. Methods: Following a registered protocol, a modified e‐Delphi study was applied over two rounds with a final consensus meeting. The threshold of consensus was set a priori at 75%. Agreed techniques were then categorized by four coders, according to behavioural learning theory, to sort techniques according to their mechanism of action. Results: The panel (n = 35) agreed on 42 DBS techniques from a total of 63 candidate labels and descriptions. Complete agreement was achieved regarding all labels and descriptions, while agreement was not achieved regarding distinctiveness for 17 techniques. In exploring underlying principles of learning, it became clear that multiple and differing principles may apply depending on the specific context and procedure in which the technique may be applied. Discussion: Experts agreed on what each DBS technique is, what label to use, and their description, but were less likely to agree on what distinguishes one technique from another. All techniques were describable but not comprehensively categorizable according to principles of learning. While objective consistency was not attained, greater clarity and consistency now exists. The resulting list of agreed terminology marks a significant foundation for future efforts towards understanding DBS techniques in research, education and clinical care.
Mac Giolla Phadraig, C., Healy, O., Fisal, A. A., Yarascavitch, C., van Harten, M., Nunn, J., Newton, T., Sturmey, P., Asimakopoulou, K., Daly, B., Hosey, M. T., Kammer, P. V., Dougall, A., Geddis‐Regan, A., Pradhan, A., Setiawan, A. S., Kerr, B., Friedman, C. S., Cornelius, B. W., Stirling, C., …Krämer, S. (2024). Behaviour support in dentistry: A Delphi study to agree terminology in behaviour management. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 52(4), 550-571.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Feb 15, 2024 |
Online Publication Date | Mar 22, 2024 |
Publication Date | 2024-08 |
Deposit Date | May 7, 2024 |
Publicly Available Date | May 7, 2024 |
Journal | Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology |
Print ISSN | 0301-5661 |
Electronic ISSN | 1600-0528 |
Publisher | Wiley |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 52 |
Issue | 4 |
Pages | 550-571 |
DOI | |
Keywords | anaesthesia, behaviour sciences, behaviour management, taxonomy, dentistry, sedation, anxiety management, Delphi technique |
Public URL | |
Publisher URL | |
Behaviour support in dentistry
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